Lost Experiment

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You were sat in your apartment after being freed from Mind control caused by HYDRA. You finally found somewhere you could hide out and not get noticed by anyone who may have known you. There was a few problems, you never slept a full night, you kept having nightmares of fragments that you could remember and now you didn't trust yourself. You went from having absolutely no control over your mind or your body, to now having full control. You heard a knock at your door, you opened it and saw Captain America "Go on, arrest me" you said turning around with your hands behind your back. He put his hand on your shoulder and your flinched "Sorry, I'm not here to arrest you, I'm here to help you" he said. "Why would you want to?" you asked "Because, I think we've got someone who you know" he replied. 

Bucky entered your apartment "Hey, doll" he said "The Winter soldier" you whispered as you backed against the wall "(Y/N), it's okay. You're going to come with us. We'll keep you safe" he said. "Rogers, We need to get the jet in the air" Tony said over coms "Give us some more time, she's kinda freaked out" Steve replied. "(Y/N), look at me. We need to get you out of here. You can trust me" Bucky said, he put his hand on your cheek, you flinched slightly "What did they do to you, doll" he said. You went to grab your backpack and followed them out. 

You got on the jet "(Y/N), these are the Avengers, there's Tony, Nat, Wanda, Clint, Vision, Thor, Sam and Bruce, I'm Steve and you know Bucky" Steve said. Tony put his hand on your shoulder and your shriek, gripping Bucky tightly "unexpected physical contact is a no go" Bucky said "Oh, sorry" he said. You sat down on the seats, you pulled out one of the notebooks you had and wrote down the names. Once the jet was in the air, Bucky clipped you in for safety. He sat next to you "Are those your memories?" he asked "Yeah, just so I don't forget them again" you replied "You look tired, do you want a blanket?" Bruce asked "No thanks" you replied. You pulled out a file from your backpack and gave it to Bucky "This is about me, I'll understand if you want to hand me over to the authorities once you've read it" you said "We won't be doing that" Bucky said. He opened the file, a skim read it "Steve, you might want to look at this" he said, Steve came over and took the file, he looked up at you a few times "All of that in 90 years, To be his daughter, I can't believe he'd do that to his own child" he said "Who and What?" Bruce asked "You guys remember when I told you about the Red Skull, well, we're in the presence of his Daughter." Steve said, Nat pulled her gun out and trained it on you "Just tell me when" she said "Don't...Don't kill me...Please...Please....I didn't want this. I-I-I didn't ask for this" you said. You started breathing erratically "Nat, put the gun away!" Steve ordered. 

"I can't...Breathe" you said "(Y/N), you're having a panic attack, I need you take a deep breath in and out slowly" Bucky said. Bruce brought the stretcher, Bucky unclipped you and laid you down "Breathe in......then out. In......out, slowly. Keep going" he said, you held his hand "That's it." he kissed your hand. You had calmed down, but was shaking "Just relax" Bucky said. 

"Just because she's his daughter does not give us the right to kill her. Yes, he was evil, doesn't mean she was. Her entire life was spent being a lab rat, and experiment, she was just an object to him. He had control of her mind, her body. None of these things were her, she was a weapon. I need you to see her the way you saw Bucky" Steve said "How could she not be evil? He was a goddamn Nazi" Clint asked "She wasn't. She can't have been. He wouldn't have done any of this to her, if she followed his beliefs" Steve replied "Steve, you've got to look at the bigger picture. She's every bit as dangerous as Barnes, can we really afford to be housing two unstable assassins?" Sam said "I was an experiment too, I think she deserves to finally have her own life. We can protect her, we can help her" Wanda said "I believe Miss Maximoff is right. (Y/N) is very much in a similar position. We have all the time to help her, Her mind is probably all over the place at this moment in time. Don't forget we gave Mr Barnes the chance and look at him now, he's remembering more every day. (Y/N) can do the same, we just have to be there for her. I willing to do that, Steve is, Bruce, Bucky and Wanda. But are the rest of you?" Vision said. 

"I'm in" Tony said. 

"So am I" Thor said.

"I'm in" Sam replied.

"Me too" Clint said. 

"What about you, Nat?" Steve asked "Okay, if this goes wrong though, you will pay" she replied. 

The Jet landed at the compound, Bucky held your hand as you walked off the jet. You went to the living room, Three people were sat on the couch "Hey, Peter, Stephen and Loki" Tony said "Hey, Mr Stark" Peter replied. "We've got someone we want you to meet, This is (Y/N)." Bucky said. "Hi (Y/N), I'm Peter" he said "(Y/N), I'm Loki of Asgard, it's a pleasure to meet you" Loki said, "(Y/N), I'm Doctor Stephen Strange, nice to meet you" Stephen replied. You waved shyly. 

Bucky showed you to his room "If you want to take the bed with me, you can. I can also get a mattress if you'd rather the floor or make you a nest of blankets, I don't mind" he said "Just one question, Are you strong enough to hold me down?" you asked "Yeah, sure." Bucky replied "Thanks, I get really bad nightmares. I think I'll take the bed" you replied "Okay, Shower's through there, you can wear my Pyjamas" he said handing you a hoodie and sweatpants. 

You took a shower and got under the covers. Bucky did the same. You both fell asleep. Around six hours later, you started thrashing around, screaming and crying. Bucky woke up, he immediately held you down using the covers, "(Y/N), wake up. You're okay, I've got you safe and sound, what ever is happening in your head, it's just in your head. It's not happening right now" he said. You woke up "Bucky" you whispered "Right here, doll" he wiped your tears "Can you hold me, please" you asked "Sure, you don't have you ask, I will always hold you" he said. You felt a lot safer in his arms, you closed your eyes, Bucky went back to sleep, you couldn't sleep so just rested your eyes. 

When morning came, Bucky noticed the dark circles under your eyes "You look exhausted" he said "I can't sleep after a nightmare, I only get up to six hours a night, mostly three" you replied. You had breakfast and some coffee. 

It was lunch time when Loki started to notice something was wrong with you "(Y/N), are you okay, I can get Bucky, if you'd like me too" he said "I'm fine, just tired" you replied "You can take a nap" Loki suggested "I struggle with sleeping during the day" you lied, well it was a sort of lie. Loki let it slide, he could tell something was going on but didn't want to push. You headed down to the training room, Bucky were there sparring with Steve "Hey Doll" he said as you walked over "Hi, Steve, Hi Bucky" you replied. You swayed to one side, Steve put his hand on your shoulder "You okay?" he asked "Yeah, fine" you replied. You stood by Bucky, you were spacing out, you legs gave out, he caught you "Not fine" he said lifted you up bridal style " 'M exhausted. Want sleep" you mumbled. He took you upstairs and tucked you into bed "Stay, I don't want the others to know" you whispered "Okay, If you slept close to me, like snuggled up to me, do you think it'll help your nightmares" he asked "It might" you replied "Give it a go" he replied. You got comfortable and fell asleep.

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