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A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting for such a long time, I haven't really had much inspiration and been busy with collage work, changing collages, and listening to lots of music and overall just really having a long break of creating some stories for myself.  I've already seen Morbius, I really enjoyed the film and his character. This fanfic does have slight spoilers but nothing to major, so if you haven't seen the film, you can still read it if you'd like. Hope you like this cute and fluffy fanfic. 

You were down in the lab as per usual, you never seemed to leave, staying till late and getting their early. You were always on hand to help Micheal as much as possible. You also was working in the hospital too, with all sorts of emergencies. 

"(Y/N), you need to stop" Micheal said "I don't" you replied "You are going to crash and I can't carry you up to the ER" he said "If I crash, you can take care of me down here" you said. You were sat staring at the screen "Why is nothing working!" you said "Things take time, be patient, just breathe" he said. Alarms started going off in the hospital, a nurse opens the door "It's one of kids" she said. You got up and so did Micheal, to follow her. You were the one lagging behind. You got to the room, Micheal pulled a chair "You sit down" he said. After he administered the medicine, you linked his arm "Micheal?" you said "Yeah, you okay?" he asked "Feel kinda funny" you said "I'll take (Y/N) back down to the lab, I will make her rest, if need me you know where I'll be" he said. 

Micheal got up, he helped you back to the lab "Lay on the floor" he said. You laid on the floor, Micheal brought over the monitors and supplies, he covered you with a blanket and put an IV in your arm, attaching the monitors to you "Low blood pressure, how did you let yourself get like this?" he asked "Don't know" you replied. Micheal kept an eye on the monitors "You never did tell me what happened when you had that appointment on Tuesday" he said "I know, but..sorry. I think you're about to find out" you said, Micheal took your hand "(Y/N), can you hear me?" he said, your hand tensed. He got the cushion and laid it under your head. 

When it was over, he laid you on your side "You're okay, It's okay" he soothed, he stroked your forehead gently, you started to wake up "You're going to be just fine. Why didn't you tell me?" he asked "Guess, I thought I could hide it" you said "You can't hide something a serious as this, what if I wasn't here, and you collapsed, you could have died. I've already called for the nurses, we're taking you up to the ward, and I'll be monitoring you" he said "Monitoring me?" you questioned "Don't say you don't need it. If  I'm being honest with you, I'm shocked you've not had a more serious seizure" he said "I only missed one dose" you mumbled. The nurses came and got you on the bed, Micheal followed up to a private room "What do you need, Dr Morbius?" they asked "Fluids, glucose and a dose of her medication to put through an IV" he replied. The nurse came back with everything. 

Micheal gave you the glucose and medicine and attached the fluids "You are going to be the death of me one day" he said "Sorry" you said "That's not going to cut it, I'm afraid. You need to tell me every single time you feel a seizure coming on, I'm going to leave this IV in your arm for the foreseeable future" he said "You know I hate you sometimes" you said "Fully aware, Never thought I'd see you in this state" he said "What do you mean?" you asked "You, like this. laying in a hospital bed while I'm sat here keeping an eye your vital signs. Making sure you don't die on me" he said "Told I have to quit work soon. Apparently I'm a liability" you said "You can still work in the lab, I can keep your seizures under control" he said "Doesn't make it any better" you said "okay, stop moping and sleep" he said. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now