Bucky Barnes

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You had barely been sleeping, being a superhero was not always what people imagine it to be. Missions go wrong, trying to save people from burning buildings hearing them scream. Everything is amplified when you remember you were once the person that caused said screams and inflicted the horrors that these people experience. You'd been hiding this part of yourself since you arrived at the tower three years ago, even hiding it from the people who have experience the same thing as you. 

You were sat on a Quinjet heading to the next mission, Tony was dealing with Peter, the newest recruit and now the apparently airsick member of the team. Every so often you'd catch yourself dosing off but wake up. Clint began to notice, "Have you been sleeping?" he asked "Yeah" you replied "let me rephrase that, have you been sleeping 8 hours?" he asked "Yeah" you replied "(Y/N)! Tell me the truth You're dosing off, we need you on full alert" he said " 'm telling the truth" you replied. "Woah, Woah, Woah. We do not need any extra casualties, you two" Tony said. Clint dropped the conversation. 

You got in place for the mission, you were heading through the back door of the base and meeting Bucky at the side door of the room. Bruce was staying on the Jet with Peter. You shot all agents "Agent's are down" you said "Copy that, Bucky's at the door" Steve said. You opened the door and Bucky came in. He hacked all systems and collected the data. You guard the door. "Got everything, we're coming your side" Bucky replied "Copy, Tony's gone for the weapon" Steve replied. Bucky put his hand on your shoulder "(Y/N), come on." he said. You didn't reply or move. "(Y/N)?" he questioned "Snap out of it, come on. I know you're in there" he said. "Bucky, where are you and (Y/N)?" Steve asked "Still in the room...I've got a problem." Bucky replied "What's the problem?" Nat asked "(Y/N), seems to be stuck in her head. She won't snap out of it" Bucky replied taking the gun out of your hand "Get her back to the jet" Steve said. 

Bucky walked you to the jet with ease, he sat you down and went to the supplies room. He came back with a bucket and a cool cloth. He dabbed your forehead and temples "Come on, Snap out of it, doll." he said. It took a few minutes, you lurched forward, Bucky grabbed the bucket as quickly as he could "You're okay, You're safe. Get it all out of your system" he said, the team arrived back on the jet "Bruce! (Y/N) seems to be vomiting violently, you might want to check her" Tony said. Bruce came over instantly, you sat up and then passed out. Bucky caught your head and laid it on his shoulder, Bruce wiped your mouth with a piece of gauze "You said she was stuck in her head, Clint mentioned the lack of sleep. Now she's been sick and passed out" Bruce said in thought, "I think she's been having nightmares and because of her lack of sleep, she's experienced a flashback, which triggered a panic attack, which explains the vomiting and she's actually so exhausted that her body has just collapsed" he said. "So this means she's got?" Steve asked "PTSD, panic attacks and anxiety most probably" Bruce said. 

Bucky let you sleep against him, he positioned you so you were more comfortable laying in his arms, with you legs over his. After a while, he laid you on the seats to go and hand the USB in for surveying. When he came back, you were sat up wide awake, breathing unevenly "(Y/N), I'm here, you're on the jet, we're going home, doll" he said "I...I...I thought they...got...you" you said "No, they didn't. You're okay" he said. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and cheek "You're drenched, That must have been one hell of a dream." he said, you hummed in response "You're really not in a good mind, are you?" he said, you shook your head, finally admitting to the problems you've been suffering. "You'll be okay, I think you just need to let everything out. I'm here for you, if you need cry or talk or anything" he said "I just want you" you said. 

The jet landed in the bay, Bucky carried you off, taking you to his room, helping you to change and take a shower. He sat on the bed, you were hugging him like a koala bear. Bucky played with your hair, he whispered things to you and hummed 40s songs. You eventually fell asleep, he laid you down comfortable and still held you close. 

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