Agents of Shield

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You'd been in the training room for hours, no one was aware that you were still there. "Is (Y/N) in bed still?" Daisy asked "She was training this morning" Bobbi replied. It was only an hour after breakfast did you go upstairs. Bobbi walked in "Hi, where have you been?" she asked "What do you mean?" you asked "You skipped breakfast again" she replied "Oh" you replied.

"We've got a job to do" Coulson said. You got geared up and on the jet ready to go. 

You were in the building "All clear down this corridor" you said "Copy that. We've got May in combat currently, your job is to get to Hunter and the 084" Fitz said "Copy that" you said. You headed left. You found him "Have you got it?" you asked "Yep, it's safe and secure" he replied "Oh, good" you sighed, dropping to the floor. "(Y/N)! Agent May, get down here as quickly as possible, (Y/N) is down" Hunter said through the coms "On my way, Copy" May replied. 

"Stay with me, I'm going to get you out of here" he said, May arrived along with Daisy "The 084 get it to the jet, I'll cover these two" Daisy said. May took the box. Daisy helped Hunter lifted you up "Easy, easy, let's go" she said. Back on the jet "What happened?" Coulson asked "She just dropped, no sign of injuries nor needles. Her pulse is racing and she's breathing heavily" Hunter explained laying you down. Simmons gave you an IV and oxygen, covering you with a blanket "I logged into the footage from the training room this morning, she was in there for 4 hours, no breaks, her body as forced her to sleep" Fitz said. 

Back at the base, they took you down to medical, Hunter didn't leave your side. Bobbi came in "How is she?" she asked "Not great. Something is going on, it's more than just over training" he replied "She's not the most open person ever on the team, I'm sure she'll open up someday" Bobbi said. 

Hunter went upstairs for a little while. The cameras in the lounge were on you so they could see what was happening. Coulson noticed you were getting restless so headed down, you had woken up and began trying to rip the IV out "(Y/N), stop! Listen to me" he said "No! Get off me! you said "You are safe, you need to calm down" he said. Hunter was already downstairs "Look at me, (Y/N). Ground yourself, here" he said, Hunter took a hold of your hands, placing one over his heart and holding one on his cheek "I'm not going anywhere, we are real, this is the real world" he said, Coulson stroked your hair "We are all real and all here" he said "Help me" you whispered "We will" Hunter replied. 

Simmons entered "Let's get you sedated" she said bringing the needle "N...N...No, please" you stuttered "You'll feel far more relaxed" she said "They did it to me. Then you'll put me in a chamber, don't do that" you cried. Hunter laid you down gently "Simmons, don't. I'll handle her, I can do it" he said "She needs to be handled by a professional, ideally a psychiatrist" Mack said. Hunter took the IV out and took you off the oxygen "That's it, she's staying with me, in my room" he said picking you up. 

Hunter took you to his room and laid you down on the bed, he put on some music and laid next to you "We can just stay like this for as long as you need" he said "Thank you Hunter, They just wouldn't understand" you said "If you ever want to talk about it, I will sit here a listen, Darlin' That is my new job" he kissed your cheek softly. 

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