Stucky's daughter

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Being the daughter of Steve and Bucky meant that even though you were quite clever, you really hated going to school. You didn't want to wake up when you're alarm went off. Peter knew about it, so he'd prepped you with what he does when he doesn't want to go to school. He made some fake vomit and gave it you and explained the elaborate plan that will convince Steve to let you go home from school.

You got up as normal and headed to school. Peter walked with you. It was second lesson, "Act sick" he whispered. You put your head on the desk, Peter was in the middle of writing "(Y/N), everything okay?" he asked, you shook your head "Do you want to go to the nurse?" he asked "No" you replied "Okay" he dropped the conversation. It was nearing the middle of lesson, Peter raised his hand "Yes?" the teacher asked "Can I take (Y/N) to the nurse, she doesn't look well" he asked "Sure thing, she hasn't been herself" they replied. Peter handed you a small bottle of fake sick and put another one in your bag "Drink this, then when the nurse opens the door "Vomit"" he said, you nodded. He knocked on the door.

"What can I do?" they asked "(Y/N), isn't well. I think she's about to throw up" Peter said "Bring her in" the nurse said, she handed over a disposable bowl, Peter gave you a nod, you 'threw up' he pulled your hair back "Oh my, (Y/N) I'm going to ring your dads" they said. You laid back on the bed, Peter let the bowl sit in your lap "Another bottle is in your bag, you might want to use a bit for the car journey" he said. The nurse re-entered "They're on the way to pick you up" they said.

Steve and Bucky entered the office "Hey kitten" Bucky said "I..I'm sorry" you said "Don't apologise, you can't help throwing up" Bucky said. They took you out to the car. About half way through the journey you put a little bit of the fake sick in your mouth. You made a gagging sound and put your hand under your chin, Steve turned around, you settled a little "You okay?" he asked, you nodded. It was nearing the end, you 'threw up' in your hand "Papa, I've been sick in my hand" you said "Oh, baby girl, we're nearly home" he said. Steve gave you a couple tissues to wipe your hand. "I feel sick, I want my bed" you cried "We're home, You go clean up and we'll bring a few things to your room" Bucky said.

You got out the bottle, you got changed and washed your hand, You poured some in the bath and make puking sounds, before drinking the rest and putting the bottle in a less obvious place. Bucky came in, he saw you knelt in the bath "Have you been sick?" he asked, you nodded, he came over "You poor thing, Is there anymore?" he said, you nodded softly "I'm just going to pat your back, it should help bring it up" he said. You let it out, then collapsed down in the bath. Landing in it, "Steve, I need you're help" Bucky called, Steve came "She threw up in the bath then collapsed, in the sick, can you clean the bath, I'll take her to the other bathroom and clean her up" Bucky said "Yeah sure" Steve replied. They helped you out and Bucky scooped you up, he carried you to the other bathroom. "I know what you're up to, but I will play along, I know you don't like school" he said "you don't have too, I'm sorry" you said "don't worry, it's going to be fun" Bucky said.

Once you were washed and changed, Bucky picked you up he carried you to your room he wrapped the blanket around you, Steve came out of the bathroom "Bucky she's 15, you're carrying her like a 5 year old" Steve said "she's comfortable and she's sick so she need to be cared for" he replied "fair enough. We've got work to do" Steve said. Bucky took you to the lab with them.

They were reading through files, Bucky looked at you, he noticed you were pale, "did you put makeup on?" He whispered "No" you whispered. Steve turned "Was not expected her to be that pale" he said, you started shaking "Bruce, somethings wrong with our daughter!" Steve said. He came over "Bucky keep hold of her" he said shining a light in your eyes "take her in the that room what ever you do don't let go" Bruce said.

Bruce hooked you up to the monitors and put on an oxygen mask, you stopped shaking, you were completely unconscious "FRIDAY, how long was that?" Bruce asked "5 minutes, Dr Banner" the AI replied. "What was that?" Bucky asked "A seizure, when she comes around she might not remember you for a few minutes, I'm going to call Dr Strange for a brain scan and as soon as possible." Bruce replied.

A few minutes later, you came around "Dad?" You questioned "Right here, kitten. Papa is holding you." Steve said "What happened?" You asked "You had a seizure, we don't know why, but Bruce is going to run a scan to find out" Bucky said, Bruce came in, "Strange will do the scan but not until she has another one, if she does you bring her down here. This might mean she has epilepsy" he explained. 

A few days went by, you didn't have another seizure. You were with Nat and Clint, you got up to get a snack, you collapsed on the floor and started seizing. Clint held your head "Nat, get a cushion" he said, he put it behind your head "Time it" he said. You stopped and like before fell unconscious "5 minutes" Nat said, Clint picked you up and carried you down to the medical bay. 

Bruce was sat there "What happened? Nat get her Dads" he said "she had a seizure, I'm assuming this is her second one" Clint said "Yeah, get Dr Strange on the phone" Bruce said, he attached you to the monitors and gave you oxygen. Steve and Bucky ran in "Is she okay?" Steve asked "It's like before, I'm just contacting Strange at the moment, scan will be today" Bruce said. 

You came around "(Y/N), do you know who we are?" Steve asked "I recognise you, but my brain is fuzzy" you replied. "Right, we're going to get you on the jet and to the hospital, (Y/N)" Bruce said. They wheeled you on the jet, Bucky and Steve sat next to you "Dad, Papa, I'm scared" you said "It's okay, kitten. This will tell us what's going on and we'll be able to treat you and help you" Bucky said. Once arriving at the hospital, you were taken to a room with a MRI scan. Strange and Bruce got you on the bed a put you in, Bucky and Steve tried to keep you calm, you were crying "(Y/N), listen. You doing okay, it'll be over soon, Shhh." Steve said "Get me out" you cried "Soon, baby girl, soon." Bucky said. 

The scan finished, Steve had to go and get you as Bucky would stick to the machine, He carried you in the viewing room "You're okay, baby girl." Bucky kissed your cheek. Strange looked over the scans "Yeah, that's epilepsy. It from past trauma to the brain. Banner, you know what meds to use" he said "Yeah, thanks for the help" Bruce replied. They took you home. 

The team were waiting on the news in the living room "What is it?" Nat asked "Epilepsy, past brain trauma, probably from HYRDA. It's really messed her brain up" Steve replied "Aww, the poor thing. I'm thinking you're pulling her from school then giving that if she starts going into a seizure, Peter will panic" Tony said "Yeah, we'll just teach her" Steve said. 

Bruce started you on the meds the next day, you did have a bit of cry about the fact that you were going to be like it for the rest of your life, but the team sat down and watched a film with you and told you stories. 

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