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You had a headache after being hit in the head on your training session with Sharon Carter. The team was out on group training when you arrived back, you knew the normal pain killers weren't going to work but you took two of them anyway thinking they might help take the edge off. The team came back, Bruce and Tony headed down to the lab to work. You were still sat in you're own room, you took some more tablets. Over the course of those few hours, you hadn't noticed that you'd took the entire strip of them. 

You knew Bruce and Tony would be mad at you, you also knew that even though they didn't work for long, you could still suffer from the overdose. You got up and headed to Steve and Bucky's floor. You knew they'd be okay and wouldn't get angry. They were sat on the couch, you went over "Guys...I took a lot of pills" you said "What kind?" Bucky asked, you handed the strip over "I..I didn't mean too, it just happened, I have a headache from being hit over the head by Carter..." you replied "Okay, it's okay. Let's get you to Bruce" Steve said "No, he's gonna be so mad at me" you replied. "How long has he been since you started taking them?" Bucky asked "Three hours" you replied. "Okay, Is there any type of food that if you eat it you'll throw up?" Bucky asked "Bucky, what the hell are you thinking?" Steve asked "Technically, she's ingested poison as it will still be in her stomach, we can get it out before she gets any worse" he replied "Tuna, anything with Tuna" you replied. Steve went to get a towel and bowl. 

Bucky went into the kitchen, he opened and drained a tin of Tuna, he came over with the tin and a spoon. Steve laid the towel on your lap and held the bowl. Bucky gave you two spoons of tuna, as soon as you swallowed it, the tuna started to make it way back up. You started heaving, Bucky held your hair back and rubbed your back "It's working" he said. Once you stopped after around 15 minutes you collapsed back on Steve, he put the bowl on the coffee table and wiped you lips "We'll still take you to Bruce, We'll tell him, you ate something bad, all you need is and IV of fluids" he said. 

They took you down, Bruce and Tony were immediately concerned "We need IV and fluids now" Bucky said as Steve laid you down on the bed "What happened, did she get poisoned or something?" Tony asked "She ate something bad, but it combined with a concussion, she threw up, everything." Steve said. Bruce gave you an IV and some strong painkillers. 

Only a few minutes later, did you start coughing, with no energy to ask. You ended up throwing up on yourself, Steve heard and ran to you "Shhh, shhh, you're okay." he said. You sat up wanting to get up, instead you puked all over the floor "(Y/N), just puke, okay, get it up. You'll feel better when it's gone" he said. Tony came in "Oh my god. Wait, it's not food poisoning. You took pills" he said looking at you "Tony, she didn't mean to do this, Sharon hit her hard in training, and she didn't know where the medicine was that works for her so she took what she had too. It was a whole strip, she threw majority of them up earlier we gave her Tuna which make her sick for some reason" Steve explained "I know she wouldn't have done it on purpose, I'm just worried about her, I'll get some clean sheet and get Barnes to bring her some clean clothes. Sit her on your lap for a bit" Tony replied. 

Steve sat in the chair with you in his arms "(Y/N), see they aren't mad. What made you think they would be?" he asked "I..I can't talk about it...something happened to me many years ago...I hate thinking about it" you replied "Just talk when you're ready and even if that is never, it's okay. Not everyone can talk about their past, but the team is here for you when you need us" he said. Bruce and Bucky entered "Tony explained, We're never going to be mad at you...let's get you on the proper medicine and you'll stop vomiting, it'll just dissolve any left over medicine" Bruce said. Tony changed the sheets, Bucky helped you get changed. 

Once you had the medicine, you fell asleep in Steve's arms "Make her comfortable upstairs, I think she'd rather be there" Bruce said. Bucky wheeled the drip stand while Steve carried you. They got on their bed, Steve holding you, Bucky beside him with his arm around Steve and one around you. "She's sweet when she's sleeping" Steve said "Yeah, so peaceful. I know you're worried about her, I am too. She's hiding something I know she is" Bucky said "Wonder what it is?" Steve said. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now