Food poisoning at Christmas

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It was Christmas Eve and you decided to check out a restaurant down the road from the tower, the rest of the team had ordered take away and Tony had told you to avoid that specific place because a fews years back Peter and Clint had gotten food poisoning from eating there. You completely ignored his advice like you usually did. You took a lovely slow walk back to the tower in the crisp December air. You went up to the living room, feeling slightly nauseous. "How was the restaurant?" Tony asked "Good, lovely place" you replied. He came into the kitchen "You're looking a little green, do you want a trash can?" he asked "Tony, shut up" you said "Is someone sick?" he teased "Tony seriously!" you warned him "Someone's getting defensive. Is someone going to vomit?" he kept teasing you "TONY SHUT UP BEFORE I PUNCH YOU!" you yelled. This made everyone turn to you, you were slightly hunched over with your hand on the counter. You pushed Tony out of the way and ran for the bathroom. 

Bucky went after you, he knocked on the door "Doll, are you okay in there?" he asked "Just fine" you replied, before throwing up, "You don't sound fine. I'm coming in" he said opening the door. Bucky stood behind you, rubbing soothing circles on your back, your stomach flipped with pain as you gagged, this went on for several minutes, before you laid down on the cool tiles "You got food poisoning, didn't you?" he asked, you nodded. Bucky picked you up off the floor "Let's get you to bed, in my room" he said. He carried you though the living room "Oh, look. She's sick on Christmas Eve" Tony laughed, tears ran down your cheeks, "Stark, don't tease her. She's sick and now she won't be able to enjoy Christmas" Bucky said "I told her" he said "Just stop" Bucky said. 

Bucky laid you on his bed, he grabbed the trash can and placed it on the floor beside you. He went into the bathroom and dampened a cloth and laid it on your forehead "I brought some water for her, she'll need to keep hydrated" Bruce said "Thanks" Bucky said taking the four bottles from him. You curled up, your head hanging limply over the bed, Bucky held the cloth to your forehead, you started coughing and throwing up. Bucky was really concerned about you, when you stopped he helped you up and had a few sips of water. You curled up against him, sniffling "Th..This is stupid" you said "I know...I know doll" Bucky said "I'm gonna just be puking on Christmas. Why, me?" you asked "Shhh, Shhhh. Just try to sleep, I'm staying with you, all night and all day tomorrow" he soothed. After you'd settled down, he went to the bathroom and brought a trash bag out and a bowl of cool water, he got under the covers and dabbed your forehead with the cool cloth, you were really feverish and had chills too. He began to notice you curling up and uncurling constantly, he messaged Nat to grab the heat pad from the cupboard. Nat entered, "It's fully charged. I feel really sorry for her. This is the literal worst way to spend Christmas" she said "I know, she's not happy about either" he replied "You know what, I'll make her a chocolate and sweet treats box for when she's better, then she's not missing out on that" Nat said "She'll love that" Bucky replied. 

You managed to sleep through the night. You woke up "Bucky, I'm going to be sick" you whined, he held the trash bag in front of you, he gave you some water and kissed your head, Tony entered "Does anyone want breakfast?" he asked, the thought of food made you heave into the bag "I'll take that as a no" he said walking out. "I'll be back in a second, doll" he said kissing your forehead. Bucky walked into the kitchen and grabbed Tony by the neck "You know she's sick, you thought to mention food in front of her. You dare do anything else to make today worse for my girl, I won't hesitate to kill you, Got it, Stark!" he said angrily, Tony nodded quickly, Bucky let him go "Good" he went back to you. 

Tony looked at the team while they were staring at him "You are such an ass, Tony" Clint said "She didn't listen" Tony retorted "Still doesn't give you any type of privilege to be such an arse about it" Steve replied. 

You was having on of the worst days ever in the last four hours you'd thrown up 5 times, once was just about two minutes of dry heaving and coughing. Bucky had never seen you so miserable before, he let you sleep on top of him all day, gave you cuddles, bathed you and even put on some 40s music on. Steve came in "Bucky, do you not want to, ya know?" he asked "No, I don't want to leave her, she's so sad and ill" he replied "How many time has she been sick?" Steve asked "4 with actual vomit today, twice yesterday and a whole two minutes of dry heaving earlier" Bucky replied "Jesus Christ! Why didn't you call for Bruce?" Steve said "Seriously, I took care of you with something as serious as pneumonia, I can handle severe food poisoning" Bucky said. "True. She's definitely taken care of." Steve said. 

Bucky woke you up to let you have some water and let you go back to sleep. "Keep sleeping, you'll feel better soon. I love you." he said "Love you lots" you mumbled, he kissed the top of your head, running his fingers through your hair "Cold" you said nuzzling his metal arm, he put his hand to your forehead, your fever had gone up again. He adjusted your position, so your head was laying on his metal arm, he dabbed your forehead with the cold water, as you drifted back to sleep. 

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