I'm not sick

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The one day where you had lots of things to do, you had to fall sick. You made the decision to just fake it the whole day, knowing now having Dr Stephen Strange in the tower cos Tony admitted his feelings finally was going to be a challenge, he seemed to notice everything. You were lucky that Bucky was out on a two day mission with Steve and Nat. He would notice something wrong with his best girl instantly. 

You headed down to the training, Clint had you practise throwing knives and sparing, after two hours your training was complete. You went upstairs and got changed and headed down to the lab to work on your gun, you were having trouble with it's loading system on the last mission so you decided to make it more effective. You ate lunch and finished it off. Peter surprisingly was not in the Med bay for anything medical, he was hanging out there instead. You went down to speak to Bruce "This mission isn't high risk is it?" you asked "No, it's only recon, they'll be fine. Don't worry" he replied. Peter came up to you "You're sick" he whispered "I'm not" you whispered back. "I'm going to do some homework before dinner" Peter said "Okay, if you need help, just ask FRIDAY to send for me" Bruce said "Will do" Peter replied. 

Stephen came in "Any incidents today?" he asked "No, Peter is completely fine. He's gone doing some homework" Bruce replied "Tony is apparently working on party planning for next week, god knows why we need a party" Stephen said. "We have one every other month" you said. "Mr Parker, requires your assistance for some Chemistry homework Dr Banner" FRIDAY said "I'm on my way" Bruce said grabbing his glasses. Stephen was checking the stock to see if there was anything needed in the tower. You stood up, you started to feel a little faint "Stephen, I don't feel so good" you said, he came over to you "(Y/N), focus on me." he said, "Too dizzy, everything is spinning" you said, you passed out. Stephen caught you, he carried you to the bed "FRIDAY, Alert Bruce, ask him to come down" he said. Stephen check your vitals, you're temperature was high, he laid a cold cloth on your forehead and rechecked your pulse as Bruce arrived "How's she doing?" he asked "Fever is high, 103.8. Her vitals are steady. Has she complained of any ailments today?" he asked "Not that I know of. She's not said anything" Bruce replied. Clint ran down when he heard "She was training with me, I noticed she didn't seem okay but she kept shrugging it off as nothing" he said. 

You started to wake up "Is Bucky back?" you asked "Not yet, we called them to let them know you passed out, he's on his way" Bruce said. Stephen checked your temperature again "It's not budging, Bruce, go grab the fever reducers and a glass of water." he said. You took the tablets and Stephen replaced the cloth on your forehead. 

Bucky came in "Doll, why didn't you say something?" he asked "I had stuff to do" you replied "Like what?" he asked "Training and fixing my gun" you replied "That could have waited, you should have stayed in bed and asked Bruce or Stephen for meds. I'm sure they would have you rather do that then faint on the floor every time' Bucky told you. "Definitely" Bruce said. "Can I go to bed now?" you asked "Sure you can, I'll bring up your medicine when its time" Stephen said. Bucky picked you up and carried you to bed. 

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