Pre-War Bucky Barnes

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The one thing you hated about Brooklyn was the guys that would beat people up in the alley ways because they refused to go on a date with them or they simply thought they're weak let's go for them. You were stuck in that current situation, being beaten up by a guy you declined a date from, you gave some attempts to fight him but he was too strong of you. "Hey, pick on someone you're own size, dipshit" you heard a voice yell and pull the guy off you. Then he punched the bully and he ran off.

"Hi, I'm James. You can call me Bucky. Let me help you" he said "I'm (Y/N)" you replied. Bucky knelt down in-front of you "You're definitely going to be sore." Blood was dripping from your mouth "Doll, can I check the inside of your mouth, you've got blood dripping, I need to make sure it's not coming from anything internal" he said, you nodded. Bucky checked "You've bit the inside of your cheek and your lip. Let's get you off the floor and I'll take you to my apartment" he said. Bucky helped you up.

Once at his apartment, his friend was sat sketching "Hey Bucky, who's this lovely young lady?" he asked "Steve, this is (Y/N). Can you go grab the emergency kit and the bowl from the bathroom?" Bucky replied. He helped you to the chair, Steve came back with the items, Bucky handed you the bowl "I'm assuming you won't want to swallow the blood, so you can spit it out. It's not gross, for us okay?" he said, you nodded. "I'll get you some water" Steve said. You drank some of the water after you spat out the blood "Thanks for actually helping me" you said "Don't worry about it" Steve said. Bucky cleaned the wound on your head, he held a piece of gauze over it. Suddenly, you heaved into the bowl "Steve, come here!" Bucky called out, Steve held the gauze. Bucky held your hair "It's okay. Just let it come up" he said. When you stopped, Steve took the bowl to be cleaned "Do you feel okay?" Bucky asked "Yeah, apart from that" you replied. "Did you accidentally swallow blood before I found you?" Bucky asked "I think so" you replied "It'll be that, okay." he said. Steve placed the bowl on the table, as they both finished cleaning your wounds.

They covered you with a blanket and you slept in the chair for the night.

The next morning, your head began to hurt. Bucky came in to check on you "How are you feeling?" He asked "My head hurts and I feel a little bit sick" you replied, he checked you over "you've got a concussion" he said. Bucky went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. When he came back, he sat beside you, he put the bowl beside you "(Y/N), you look like your about to puke, if you are going to, just let it come" he said. You held his hand, he gently stroked your knuckles "You're okay, you'll feel better soon" he said.

A few hours later, the feeling only got worse, Steve noticed, he got up and held the bowl under your chin, you dry heaved a few times "Do you feel like it's going to come up?" He asked, you nodded "Sit a little bit forward, I'm going to rub your lower back, it will help, this is what Bucky does for me when I feel sick" he said. Steve began to rub circles on your back, your body tensed, you began vomiting, Bucky walked in from running errands just as Steve stopped rubbing your back "That's it, get it out of your system. (Y/N), breathe, your getting a little worked up, I'm here" he said. Bucky smiled a little. When you stopped "Deep breathes, in and out slowly" Steve instructed.

Bucky came in "I'll take over" he said "I'll go clean the bowl, she looks a lot better after that" Steve said. "Hey, doll. Feeling any better?" Bucky asked, you nodded "Good, you want anything to eat later?" He asked "Crackers" you replied "okay, here have a few sips of water, then if you want you can cuddle with me and take a nap" he said "That would be nice" you said.

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