Steve Rogers

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A/N: I have officially started collage so posts will be much less as I will be getting homework and extra work every week. I thought I would try and to write of Steve using one of My Bucky fanfics from my previous book. Hope you like it. I'm sorry for the lack of posts for the next two years. 

There had been a bug going around the compound, it started with Peter and Wanda, as he picked it up from school and Wanda took care of him, then Thor caught it next, then Bruce, Tony, Nat, Clint and Pietro. Bucky and Steve hadn't caught it due to the serum and you were yet to get it too. This was short lived. The whole team were sat around the table, you sat with your head in your hands, not really eating "(Y/N), are you okay?" You don't well" Bruce said "I'm fine" you replied "You've barely eaten a thing" Pietro commented "I'm just going to go and lay down for a bit" you replied. You went over to the living room. 

You laid down and closed your eyes. The team came in after dinner, Steve laid you on his lap, you started to stir "You look peaky" Clint commented "Can you stop worrying?" you asked "Sorry, sweetheart but they're right, you look sick" Steve said. You all sat and watched a new TV show Peter introduced you all too, "Are you sure you're okay?" Wanda asked "Yeah, Why?" you asked "You're making the 'I'm gonna vomit' face that Nat makes" Bruce replied, Clint agreed. You ignored the fact that their statement was true and they all kept their comments to themselves. 

It wasn't long after the conversation, when the team heard vomit splatter on the floor "Sweetheart, it's okay." Steve said holding your hair back. It was on the floor, the couch and your shirt. Bucky paused the film, Tony got a towel, while Bucky got you some water. Steve let you curl up on his lap. Tony cleaned the couch and floor, he laid a towel over you. You still felt sick, you coughed a little, Steve rubbed your back. You sneezed and then puked. It got on the towel and on Steve's shirt "I'll clean you up in a minute. Don't worry about a thing, darling." he said. When you stopped he carried you to the bathroom. 

"I would have been grossed out" Clint said "This sort of thing doesn't bother Steve. He mostly feels sympathetic to a sick person because of the way he was" Bucky said "Yeah. You can totally see it" Tony said. 

Steve took you to his en-suite, and ran a bath. He got out one of his hoodies and a pair of shorts, and got out some clothes for himself. He took off his shirt, and helped you undress, he put you in the tub and got in himself. "Sorry, it's kinda pathetic" you said "It's not. Just because I can't get sick, I can cuddled and kiss you without the worry. I'm always going to take care of you" he replied. Steve washed your hair. He got out and got changed letting you soak in the water, he lifted you out and dried you off, helping you to get dressed. He brushed your hair and dried it before tying it up in a loose pony tail. He carried you to bed. 

Once you were sat in bed, you felt bile rise in your throat "Steve..." you said. He grabbed the trash can and held it, rubbing your back "Just let it up, you're okay" he whispered. You were dry heaving "Deep breathes, slowly." he reminded you. You relaxed, he put the trash can down and held the glass to your lips "Small sips" he said. You settled down, as Bruce came in "I brought some medicine, for when she's not throwing up, some extra water, cool patches and crackers" he said "Okay, just put them on the bed. She's only just settled now. I'll wait till morning to give her the meds" Steve said "That's fine" Bruce said before leaving. 

Steve put one of the patches on your forehead, covered you with the blanket, placing the medicine, crackers and extra water on the side. He got in the bed beside you and cuddled you, you whined a little "I'm here, princess. Just get some sleep, and I'll get you better" he said kissing your temples. 

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