AOS - Fitz

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You were sat on the floor of the lab, Fitz walked in "why are you sat there?" He asked softly knowing since Daisy went dark you'd been acting differently. When you didn't reply, he sat beside you "You Miss her. I know we all do but you can't keep letting it stop you" he said "can you get rid of my powers?" You asked "you know I can't. I wish I could, I know you struggle with them" he said helping you get up. He took you down to the training room "show me what happens when you use them" he said.

You showed Fitz everything as you began to finish controlling the blocks they fell, your knees buckled. Fitz caught you "(Y/N), I've got you." He said. Coulson and May came down to train, they rolled in the stretcher, Fitz laid you on it "what hell was she doing?" May asked "she was showing me her powers and what happens when she uses them as she needs some help" Fitz replied. They rushed you to the lab, Fitz cleaned up the blood and placed the gauntlets Daisy had on you. You woke up "how are you feeling?" He asked "sore, dizzy" you replied "I've got you some water, just drink this. I'm sorry I made you do that" he said "I'd rather you tell me to stop than that to happen on a mission" you said.

A week later and you were back to walking around the base. You were running diagnostics on a new piece of tech when a trail of thoughts entered your mind, things you hadn't thought about for a really long time. You felt a chill pass over you, then a sudden overwhelming feeling of nausea. You ran for the medical cabinet, trying to find the bucket. You found it just in time. Fitz walked in as he was speaking with Simmons. He rushed over to you "It's okay" he said rubbing your back.

You lifted your head, you were shaking "did you not feel well?" He asked "thinking to much" you replied. "Are you done or do you want me to sit here with you for a few minutes?" He asked "I'm done. Fitz, can we go cuddle or something? I just want you right now" you said "yeah. Simmons, I'm going to comfort (Y/N) for little while if that's alright with you?" Fitz said "yeah sure." She replied. Fitz carried you to the living room, and you laid on his lap, he ran his fingers through your hair "Simmons is working on something to help with your powers" he said. You nodded as you were falling asleep.

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