Bucky Barnes

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You were the Avengers Assistant, the tower came under attack during one of Tony's parties, while you were working in your office. During the attack you ducked under your desk hoping someone would come find you. When the noise died down you were terrified. 

On the deck everyone was catching their breathe "Has anyone seen (Y/N)?" Tony asked "No, I think she's still working" Thor replied, Bruce's eyes went wide "I'll go find her" Bucky said, he raced off in the direction of your office, hoping you were okay. The door was open so he walked in "(Y/N), are you in here?" he asked, you crawled out of your hiding place "Bucky, what happened?" you asked "Tony's inventions, you okay?" he replied "Yeah, why?" you replied, he looked at you closely, he knelt in front of you and you flinched back "You're jumpy, doll." he said. You heard a smash and curled back up under the desk, covering your ears. 

"(Y/N), you're safe." he said, he sat in front of the desk "We'll do it slow" he said, holding his hand out, you took it, crawling out again. You put your arms around his neck, sitting on his lap "I've got you, nothing can hurt you" he said as you cried. It took an hour but you finally settled down, you drifted off to sleep, Bucky picked you up and carried you to the deck "What took so long" Bruce asked "She was terrified" Bucky replied "Was she hurt?" Nat asked "No, she's asleep now, I think I'll keep her in my room tonight just incase she freaks out" Bucky said "We're all going down to the lab to attempt to fix this mess, so bring her there, I'm sure she's very comfortable in your arms" Tony said "Stark, I know what you're insinuating but I'll let you off" Bucky replied. 

Down in the lab, you started to stir, but you nuzzled closer to Bucky as he wrapped a blanket around you. Thor got angry and woke you up "Why, Thor, why" you said "Sorry, Lady (L/N)" he said "Better be!" you replied, Bucky looked at you "Feisty one you've got there, Buck" Steve said, Bucky just laughed "Wouldn't want anything different" he kissed your hand, you nuzzled into the crook of his neck "Love you" you mumbled "Love you too, doll" he whispered. You smiled and fell back to sleep. 

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