Beach, sickness and sunburn

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Recently, Tony had bought a private beach for the team to unwind and relax. Today was the day you all got to go down and enjoy it. Wanda was about two month pregnant so Bruce thought it would be a good idea to help her relax too. Everything was packed and ready to go in the van. Bruce even had pack a very large first aid kit. The drive was two hours. 

It was about an hour into the drive. Tony had driven over about five speed bumps. You started going really pale "Babe, are you feeling okay? You're not looking to well" Bucky said "I just feel a bit sick after those bumps" you replied "You're not the only one" Wanda added "Please say if you're going to be sick, I just had the van cleaned and it was expensive" Tony said. Bruce handed Wanda a bag "(Y/N), do you need a bag?" he asked "I think I'll be okay" you replied. 

"Mr Stark, you may want to pull over" Vision said "Pulling over now" Tony said. Wanda got out, Vision followed. Bruce turned his attention to you "Feeling okay?" he asked, you shook your head, "You head out for some air" he said. You got out of the van, you knelt on the floor and Bucky got out, he rubbed your back as you threw up. Wanda spotted you and came over, you stood up and went to use you sleeve to wipe your lips "Here" Wanda said giving you a tissue "Thanks" you replied. You all got back in the van "Everyone finished puking?" Tony asked "Seriously, Tony" Steve scolded. He continued the drive. 

"Has anyone got some water, I'm feeling sick again" you asked "We're two minutes away, can you wait?" Tony asked "Don't think so" you replied "(Y/N), Don't worry, if you throw up" Steve said "I just had the van cleaned. (L/N) hold on for two minutes" Tony said "She might not be able to Stark" Bucky said. Bruce passed a bag back "Just in case" he said. You started dry heaving, Wanda turned around "(Y/N/N) try this, you don't have to chew them, it just melts, they're mint so it'll help get rid of the vomit taste" she said. You gratefully accepted. 

You soon arrived at the beach, Steve got the cooler, Bucky got your bag and Bruce brought the first aid kit. "Feeling better, babe?" Bucky asked "Much better" you replied, he put the bag in your bag, "You might need it on the way back" he said. "I was going to suggest we have the picnic now, but, Wanda and (Y/N), do you want to hang on before you eat?" Steve asked "No, I'm hungry" you said "Me too" Wanda replied. 

After lunch, you and Bucky spent some time in the sea. Bruce was reluctant to let anyone in the sea because of safety, he certainly wasn't letting Wanda in. Nat sneaked her closer when he wasn't looking. "(Y/N), did you put suncream on?" Bucky asked "No, why?" you asked "You've burnt, all of your back is bright red" he said "That's why it hurts" you said, you got on his back as he swam back to shore. 

You both went back to the towels and Bucky put the umbrella up for some shade. He got you some water, and unclipped your bikini top. Bruce came over "Sunburn. That's what happens when you don't put any cream on (Y/N)" he said "No shit Sherlock" you replied. Bruce went to get a towel, he ran it under some cool water. He came back "You're not putting anything on my back" you said "It will only get worse if I don't" he said. Bruce put the towel on your back and you screamed before sobbing. The whole team heard. Wanda's mothering instinct kicked in, "(Y/N), hey its okay, shhh, shhh, doll, You're okay" he said holding you. Wanda came over "Today's just not your day, hun. Nat bring the cooler over, I'm sure we can find something" she said. Steve brought the cooler, with some tissues "Nat's burnt too, I'm assuming not as bad" he said, you were still quietly sobbing. Wanda got out to popsicles on blue and one red, she gave you on and gave Bucky the other, "Buck, these change the colour of your tongue what you're going to want to do is kiss her and both of your tongues should go purple, it'll cheer her up" she whispered. 

After the popsicles, Bucky laid down on the towel "Is your back still sore?" he asked "Extremely" you replied laying on top of him. Bucky kissed you, it turned from a peck to a full blown make out session "Its a good job I own the beach" Tony said "Why?" Nat asked, "Look at them two" Steve said. Nat couldn't hide the smirk, she knew what Wanda had done. 

You and Bucky pulled away for breathe, "Doll, show me your tongue" Bucky said breathlessly "Why?" you asked "Just do it" he replied. You did so and he smiled "Purple, cute" he said. Wanda came over "Did it work?" she asked, you and Bucky showed her "Got to get a picture of that" she said. She showed the picture and you smiled "Was that a distraction?" you asked "Yeah, but at least your smiling now" she said "You're going to be a great mother" you said "I already am one" she replied. 

It was time to head back home, Bucky got in the van, but you stood outside the door "What's wrong?" Bucky asked 'It's gonna hurt" you replied "Don't worry about that, come in" Bucky said. You got in, you sat down cross legged on the side so you were facing Bucky. "What ever you do Tony, don't slam the brakes" Steve said "I'll try not to" Tony replied. Wanda had fallen asleep. 

Tony was on the highway, when the traffic built up and he had to slam the brakes. You fell backwards, Bucky tried to catch you before you hit the seat but it was too abrupt. "Sorry, so sorry" Tony said. Everyone else turned around to check on you, you turned on your side, you felt a liquid run down your back "Bucky, it popped" you said trying not to cry "What popped?" he asked "The blister" you replied. Bucky lifted the towel, Bruce and Steve looked concerned "Tony, take a detour to the hospital" Bruce said "No, don't, Tony. Anywhere but there, I don't want to go. They'll...They'll" you stopped talking, Bucky helped you sit up, he held the bag under your chin "Why not? It's the best place, they have higher doses of meds" Bruce asked "She can't handle being in them, they remind her of the red room medical facility, which then makes her gag" Steve replied. You started gagging "I can't rub your back, do you want me to press on your stomach?" Bucky asked "No, I wanna not to throw up" you said "Left side, lay on your left side" Bruce said. 

You rested your head in Bucky's lap, he stroked your hair. He held you hand tightly "I've got you, you're not going to hit your back" he soothed. You fell asleep. Arriving at the tower Bucky carried you, Wanda followed with the after sun, as she put it on your back, you woke up, Bucky held your hands "Hush, This cream will help, I know it hurts darling, it will get better" he soothed. 

After Wanda finished, Bucky put you in one of his shirts and helped you in a pair of sweatpants, before letting you sleep on top of him without covers. 

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