On Display

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After tossing and turning for what felt like hours you decided you would go to the Captain America museum to try and shed some light on your current situation. Maybe being surrounded by all things Bucky and Steve would help you.

Yo walk in seeing the "Welcome Back, Cap!" sign and chuckle. You're the only one there, you had to break in since it was so lat in the night, but you were an expert. You and your sister would always break into your parents office to play when you were little.

You see a picture of Steve in is uniform saluting. He looks like he was born to be Captain America. He was so pure and modest. He was a great man.

You continue to walk through and see a wall dedicated to Bucky. His story. Who he had become. His life before Hydra, before Steve went into the ice. A picture of him from back in the day in black and white.

His look was soft. He was so innocent. The way he looked now was so different. He was the same man. He was just as handsome, if not more. He was older, obviously. But now he looked like he had been broken.

And he had. But he was working so hard to put himself back together and you know Steve had helped him too. The next exhibit was Steve, pre and post serum. You saw the pre-serum Steve and he was adorable. You understood him more being him pre-serum.

He was a great man. You knew that. But deep down he had a little kid from Brooklyn still in him and now you saw that. There was a video playing on a screen next. Of Steve and Bucky after Steve had become Captain America and before the ice. They were joking around, smiling and laughing with each other. They looked so happy.

Seeing them like this, really did help clear things up for you. But you didn't know how what you thought you knew was possible. You saw Steve's retired uniform from the forties. He had since been made a new one. And a funny looking, old time shield. Nothing like his current one.

You saw a video of Steve running around fighting on a mission. Then a picture of Bucky next to his old war uniform. He looked so serious and incredibly handsome in the uniform. You couldn't help but get emotional at the sight of the boys and you relieving their pasts like this.

Seeing everything they've been through, you had read about it, but seeing them before everything they had been through versus seeing them now...it was different then reading it in a file. You truly understood what made them who they are.

You hear footsteps and immediately know who it is. It's Steve. "Do you wanna tell me what you're doing her so late y/n?" You turn around and face him as he speaks. He sees the tears in your eyes and he softens.

"I-i just- couldn't sleep." You lie. He could see right through it. You hear more footsteps and not a moment later, Bucky is right there next to Steve and their moving closer to you. "We know you well enough to know you're lying." Bucky said.

It was weird that it was true. You had only been one one date. You had only know each other about a week, but now you understood. Now you knew why. "I-i don't know." You say. Trying to wrap your mind around what you thought you had just figured out.

"Come on y/n, what is it?" Steve asks looking directly into your soul. He was so genuine and real. He cared. They both did. "Are you the one I've been looking for, all of my life?" You looked at them both. "It's not that simple doll." Bucky replied.

"I'm ready to know..." You tell them. And you were now. You knew. Deep down you knew. You just needed it confirmed. "Are you sure you're ready?" Steve wanted to make sure this is what you wanted. He was always a gentleman that way. He wanted to make sure you truly wanted to know. 

"Yes." You say. "Which one of you is my soulmate?"

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