Three Seconds

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Steve knocks on the bathroom door. There's no answer. He knocks again. "Go away." Bucky says from the other side of the door. "No Bucky. You need to let me in. Talk to me."

"Steve just go away." The door stays closed. Bucky still so insistent on not opening it. "Buck, you have three seconds before I pull the door off the henges. I'm not kidding."

Theres a rustling noise coming from the bathroom and a seance later the door pops open. "What Steve?" Bucky says with a tired, annoyed look on his face. His eyes are red and puffy, he had obviously cried.

"Buck..." Steve softens when he sees him and wraps his arms around him. Pulling him tightly into a hug. Bucky pulls away and pushes past Steve sitting on the bed. "Talk to me Buck."

"Theres nothing to talk about. Sams gonna tell everyone, we're going to get made fun of, everything's going to change and I don't even know what we're doing means."

"He won't. Y/n is going to talk to him, he wont say anything. You know our girl, she'll make sure he doesn't say anything." Steve is now sitting next to Bucky on the bed. He grabs his hand in his and squeezes it.

"Steve what does this even mean? I liked what we did and I know I love you but I would never feel this about any other guy, I'm not gay. And I love y/n. I know you do too, so how does this work?"

"Maybe we're all supposed to be together. Maybe that's why we're both her soulmates. But it doesn't matter because this is the way we feel, okay? We'll all three figure it out as we go."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." You smile as you walk in the room to find your boys siting on the bed together holding hands. 

"We'll figure it out my loves. And we don't have to worry about Sam so take all the time you two need to figure it out. Nobody has to know until you're ready."

"What did you say to Sam?" Bucky asks as you sit on his lap and kiss his cheek. "I may have scared him a little bit. And I reminded him that he was your friend and he needed to act like it."

"So you threatened him?" Steve sums it up. "Well when you put it like that it makes me sound horrible...but yes. Yes I did."

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