A Baby, My Baby

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When you wake up, you're laying in bed. Steve and Bucky are sitting at the end of the bed whispering to one another. Probably trying to avoid waking you.

You sit up and rub your eyes. Both of their attention turns to you and their both on either side of you in a flash. "Hey doll. How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Is the baby okay?" You whisper. "Yea, the baby is fine. You're body just shut down because all the stress but you're okay." Bucky says.

"Do you wanna talk about this now? Or do you wanna go back to sleep?" Steve asks. He moves a piece of hair out of your face and tucks it being your ear.

"I was going to tell you. I promise. I just wanted to wait until I was further along. I just found out. I'm like two months and I was gonna wait until the first trimester was over."

"We get why you wanted to wait, but you put yourself and the baby in danger too. And yes, it's our fault too because we didn't go to the safe house when you asked us, but doll, at that point you should have told us so we could keep you both safe."

"And we should have just listened to you without you having to tell us. We understand that, we were all three in the wrong. I hope to god there is so next time, but if there is..."

"We all need to work on our communication with each other. I know. I'm sorry. And I get you both wanted to stay and help the team. I don't blame you for that."

"Sweetheart, stop apologizing. It's okay. We're okay. We're all fine. The baby's okay, you're okay, Bucky is okay, I'm okay. We just had to make sure that we all understand we were in the wrong and could've done things differently."

"Okay. And Loki...he's?" Bucky nods. "Yea, he's gone hun. For good." You look at Steve. "You're positive?" You weren't undermining Bucky, you just needed to hear it from both of them to believe it. You needed to make sure more than one person was sure of it.

"I'm positive baby. He's gone." Steve leans closer and kisses your forehead, so does Bucky. "So..." Bucky smiles at you and then looks at Steve. "We're having a baby." You chuckle and smile at them.

Both of them have goofy grins on their faces now and you can't help but fall in love all over again. "I love you both so much. You're gonna be amazing dads."

Your bottom lip quivers a little and your eyes water. You wrap your arms around Bucky's neck and hug him tightly. Steve hugs you from behind and places a kiss on your neck. "I love you sweetheart."

"I love you doll." You give Bucky a kiss and then turn your head to give Steve a kiss. Both men look at each other and smile. "We're gonna be dads." Bucky says.

"We are." Steve smiles back. They lean forward and give each other a soft kiss before pulling away with an even bigger smile on their faces. "I love you Buck." Steve coos. "I love you too Stevie."

"Aww my boys..." Both men chuckle and turn their attention back to you. "You're an emotional little thing aren't you?" Bucky asks. "She is. And it's adorable. She's gonna be our baby for the next 7 months." Steve chuckles.

You pout. "I'm not a baby!" Steve laughs again and kisses your cheek. "Your our baby not a baby." He clarifies. "Hmm." You huff and cross your arms.

"Are you tired baby?" Bucky asks. You nod and lay your head on his chest. "Yea..." He laughs and kisses your cheek. "Okay come on let's go back to sleep."

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