My Girlfriend to My Ex

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Year: Order of The Phoenix
House: Gryfindor
Relationship With Hermoine: Girlfriend
Family: Harry Potter (Brother)
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: As Hermoine gets more and more smitten for you, she begins to act extremely submissively towards you but when Cormac McLaggan's eyes lay on your girlfriend, everything suddenly changes between the two of you

Y/N's POV: My girlfriend is 100% a simp for me, I'm not complaining or anything 'cause it's really sweet how she treats me.
"You have realised that Hermoine is what the muggles call a 'simp' now, Y/N? You've got her whipped as hell!" Ron laughs, looking at Hermoine who is just admiring your features like a microscope. "It's honestly pathetic how much she is smitten for you."
"At least she's not obsessed with me like Lavender is for you, Ronald." I retort, making him chuckle.
"Touché..." He says with a stiffled laugh.

Hermoine's POV: I'm half reading the Daily Prophet and half admiring my beautiful girlfriend, I will admit I'm sort of whipped for her. She's my princess and nobody elses which does make me a bit overprotective of her around Malfoy who I know has a massive crush on her.
"You alright, lovely?" The speak of the devil pulls me out of that trance of love,  I smile awkwardly at her.
"I'm perfectly fine, my darling, why do you ask?" I respond, smiling at her again before catching the eye of Harry. The raven-haired boy snickers at my awkwardness and I roll my eyes at him.
"You can keep quiet, Harry." I tell him, sarcastically, making all of us laugh.

During Quidditch practice: "Alright, sis. It's you against the ginger." Harry jokes, making Ron swat his arm playfully.
"I'll notify you that my 'simp' of a girlfriend is watching, right now..." I tell Ron who nods, looking up at the stands to see Hermoine looking in another direction. I follow her gaze and she's just so happening to be staring at Cormac McLaggan's direction, obviously making me a bit jealous.
"She looks like she's fallen for McLaggan, Y/N. I'd show that lad who she belongs to!" Ron encourages me so throughout practices I make sure that McLaggan has the worst session. At the end of it before we head for changing, the boy taps me on the shoulder and states "I know what you were doing, Potter. You purposely trying to mess me up this time around!"

"Yes, I was... you wanna know why? Because I needed to get my girlfriend's attention off your stupid ass." I retort, snickering at his pathetic reaction.
"It's not my fault that she wants me more than you, your relationship is dwindling down quicker than your parents' death." He mocks me, referencing my mum and dad's famous murder from Lord Voldermort.
"You don't speak about our parents like that, McLaggan." Harry appears behind me, obviously listening to our entire encounter. "Come on, Y/N."

Later in the libary: I pull out a book on Defense Against The Dark Arts from the  shelf, reviewing the content before continuing to browse for some content for my assignment. Professor Snape has assigned our class a assignment to research about hexes. My girlfriend wanted to do it together but I rejected the idea as I'm still a bit distrustful which has resulted in her trying to convince me otherwise throughout the entire day and I've ignored her.
"Finally!" I exclaim to myself from eventually discovering the right book with all the content that I need.
"Y/N, come on!" Hermoine finds me and  heads over to me with a very brisk walk. "Are you seriously jealous of me staring at McLaggan?" She asks, poking me in the shoulder.

"I don't have to respond to that, Hermoine." I reply, blankly keeping all of my attention on the book that I'm studying. "You know how I feel about him. I expected better from you to be honest."
"You are being so pathetic right now!" She snaps at me making me roll my eyes and glare at her for a split second. "If you're not gonna be mature about this, then..." She begins but hesitates as I get up and walk off with the book in hand.
"What are you gonna do, huh? Dump me?" I finish off her sentence, aggressively glaring at her. Cormac coincidentally appears behind her, reviewing some material from the exact same section. "There's your new boyfriend, how about you just be with him!?" Befofe any other word leaves her mouth, I dissappear from sight, not regretting a single word that came out of my mouth.

A few days later: I'm still hanging out with the Golden Trio but straight-up refusing to even look at Hermoine, too enraged to even give her any sympathy at all.
"Harry, what's going on between Y/N and Hermoine? They haven't even glanced at each other for a couple days..." I overhear Ron mutter to my brother. "You don't think?"
"Y/N isn't speaking to me after she caught me looking at Cormac McLaggan during Quidditch which I think is a stupid reason." Hermoine speaks up with a annoyed tone.
"You obviously don't know my sister well enough, Hermoine. Oliver can just tell you how badly she deals with jealousy." My brother speaks up for me, looking her directly in the eye. "When they were dating, she didn't speak or look at him for an entire month because he was admiring another girl."

Later in the common room: Eventually, my assignment is complete! With a bit of extra help from Harry and Ron, I got it done and I just need to hand it in tommorow.
"Y/N, please can we talk?" The one girl I don't particularly want to speak to right now's voice sounds throughout the room, making me stop dead in my tracks. I sigh and snap my head toward the entrance to see Hermoine standing there.
"Please, just talk to me..." She repeats herself, slowly waking to the couch that I'm seated on.
"What have we got to talk about?" I finally open my mouth to speak to her after nearly a week of the silent treatment. "I've got nothing to say to you..."

"Y/N, just talk to Hermoine, she seriously needs to talk to you." Harry tells me, walking up to his dorm room. I finally give in and she sits next to me.
"Go on then." I sigh, looking at her and sitting up.

1 hour later, we've settled our differences and finally forgiven each other.
"Now, that's finally dealt with..." I smile at her before pulling her into a lengthy and passionate kiss.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now