Riddle Brothers (Male Y/N)

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix
House: Slytherin
Family: Lord Voldermort (Father)
Tom Riddle (Older Brother)
Mattheo Riddle (Older Brother)
Relationship with Hermoine: Strangers
Trigger Warnings: None
Type of Chapter: Regular

Summary: As the the three sons of Lord Voldermort enter the school, everyone fears how they will be, especially knowing whom their father is. Can the youngest son Y/N convince the school otherwise or will he be exactly like his father?

Hermoine's POV: "So apparently, according to the Daily Mail, three students will be joining the school?" I read off the newspaper before getting a glimpse of their faces.
"Yeah, it's He Who Shall Not Be Named's three sons; Tom, Mattheo and Y/N." Harry responds, his eyes widen.
"The school is allowing people like them to attend school with us?" Ronald exclaims with a mix of shocked and surprise as his expression. "They could be secretly pyschopathic murderers."
"Who knows, especially since their father killed your parents, Harry!" Neville adds, nervously. "But, they could also be different, there's still a chance..."

"Can I have everyone's attention, please!?" Professor Dumbledore's voice booms throughout the Great Hall, frightening all four of us. "As some of us may already know, three students will be joining the school momentarily. Now let me make something clear, despite them being He Who Shall Not Be Named's sons, they have told me that they will be no trouble.... So, therefore allow me to welcome Tom Marvalo Riddle, Mattheo Riddle and Y/N Riddle."

The three terrifying sons of Lord Voldermort enter the room, the entire room goes silent as their glares search the room. All them are surprisingly somewhat good-looking but the youngest son Y/N catches my gaze with his rough look mixed with a very prevalent scar on his cheek. They approach the end of the Great Hall and all get sorted into Slytherin.
"Hermoine, are you seriously looking at Y/N Riddle?" Harry whispers, gaining my attention. "He could be a mass murderer and here you are falling in love!"
"Listen to what Neville said, Harry. These boys could be innocent." I tell him, smiling cheekily.

Mattheo's POV: I take a seat at the Slytherin table, looking at my new fellow housemates all staring at me with either threat or glee.
"Hey, welcome to Slytherin. The name is Draco Lucius Malfoy." A platinum blonde boy introduces himself, offering his hand.
"Mattheo Riddle, Father has told us all about you and your family." I respond, smiling at him.
"All good things, I hope?" He inquires, chuckling nervously.
"He told us that your father is a coward and useless and that you are stuck-up and spoiled to the brim." Tom answers for me, cockily smirking at the young Malfoy. "The name is Tom Riddle."
Y/N seems to be quiet and almost like he is in his own little world.
"That is Y/N, he's quite shy and quiet but a ferocious beast if you say something bad about his family." Tom continues, pointing at the youngest Riddle who seems to be staring at somebody in Gryfindor.

Y/N's POV: I've been admiring this girl from afar ever since I walked into the hall. She's really gorgeous and despite Father telling us to stay away from the Gryfindors, I don't think I can resist her.
"Who you staring at, lil bro?" Mattheo questions, noticing my immediate inattentiveness.
"Nobody..." I awkwardly look away, pretending that I'm just admiring the scenery but I think he can read me like a book because he laughs at my awkwardness. "You staring at Hermoine Granger already?"
"I have to admit since I walked in, she immediately caught my eye and I know what Father told us, especially about muggle-born students." I sigh, knowing that I have no chance with her.

Later in the library: I'm just reading in the library when I can just about hear some kids talking about me in the row next to me, I listen to what they are about, whilst I peer around a corner inconspicuously.
"Hermoine, you honestly cannot be serious about this guy. He's a Riddle and you know exactly what they are like." A redhead states, laughing.
"Maybe Y/N, Tom and Mattheo are different, I've already said this before but just because their father is Lord Voldermort, it doesn't immediately mean that they are just like him." Hermoine defends me and my brothers. She isn't wrong, us three genuinely despise our father and all that he stands for.
"Ron, she's got a point." Harry tells his redheaded friend "Yes, his father killed my parents but they could be on our side."

"I'm not buying that shit, Riddle or not, you cannot trust that motherfucker." Ron exclaims, cockily smiling. "I don't know what you see in him." I can feel my blood boil whenever this ginger boy opens his mouth.

"You wanna say that about me again, Weasley!?" I walk into view, all three of their heads snap towards me with different expressions.
"Yeah, you heard what I said, Riddle. You and those brothers of yours aren't to be trusted." Ron replies, repeating what he said earlier. I lunge at him and push him up against the bookshelf with my wand pointed at his chest.

"You keep talking shit about me and my family and I'll fucking murder you." I threaten him "Nobody has the goddamn right to talk about my family!". He gulps, cowering after I let him go before storming out of view.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now