Just Hit Me (Male OC)

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Full Name- Damian Marley Black
Age/Birthdate/Year- 16 years old (Born January 29th 1980), Half-Blood Prince (1996)
Hogwarts House- Slytherin

Family and Relationships-
Regulus Black (Deceased Father)
Sirius Orion Black III (Deceased Uncle)
James Potter (Deceased Godfather)

Relationship with Hermione- Toxic Relationship
Type of Chapter- Angst
Trigger Warnings- ⚠️Contains a toxic and abusive relationship⚠️

Summary- Hermione and Damian have a toxic and abusive relationship but neither of them have the guts to break up with the other because they love one another deep down in some sick and twisted way. Damian challenges Hermione to hit him when one of their many arguments hit its breaking point.

Hermione's POV-

Me and Damian have been in this toxic relationship since we were both 14 years old, it started out all happy and loving but last, that all changed when he lost his uncle whom he was very close to and from that point on, his entire life turned upside-down with no escape in sight. I've thought of breaking up with him but in some sick and twisted way, I don't feel the pain of all of the fights and threats of pain that keep getting thrown between us two since I know deep down that I love him more than anything but I just can't bring myself to thinking otherwise.

"You need to get out of this toxic relationship with that abuser, Hermione, me and Harry are getting really worried about you." Ron tries to get me to listen but I just ignore him and continue reading, him and Harry have been trying to convince me to leave Damian for about 2 hours since they found me in the library but I'm not having any of it.

"Why would I? He understands me in a way that neither of you would so keep your mouths shut." I defend my boyfriend in a somewhat calm tone, gritting my teeth at the two boys sitting at the table with me.

"You two always seem to getting into some argument whenever we are around so it can't be that far to assume that the same thing goes on behind closed doors." Harry continues on, I roll my eyes and bury my face in the book.

"Why are you so bothered about my relationships? You have Ginny and Lavender to be worrying about, not my boyfriend." I scoff. "I can understand your concern but seriously, stay out of my relationships."

"We're worried because we actually care about you, Hermione, he obviously doesn't care one bit about you!" Ron exclaims in a hushed tone.

"How about you both stay out of my life for the foreseeable future since you can't keep your noses out of my business?" I stand to my feet, put the book away and storm out of the library where I eventually find Damian smoking by The Black Lake.

"Where have you been, Granger?" He looks over at me as I approach, putting out his cigarette on the floor. "We agreed to meet about 10 minutes ago so what's been the hold-up this time?"

"Ron and Harry have been at my throat all afternoon if you need to know." I see him roll his eyes at the mention of their names.

"Haven't I told you to stop hanging out with those freaks? You told me that you would stop hanging out with them."

"Damian, they are my friends, you know that I don't fit well with your group of friends because I'm a muggle-born."

"I don't want you to be hanging out with them anymore and if I find out that you have been talking to them again, Granger, I'm going to murder you..."


"Took you long enough to come to your senses, you don't deserve the title of 'brightest witch of our age' really."

I ignore his insults, folding my arms and staring at the cocky smirk on his lips.

"Fuck you..." I mutter under my breath but he hears it as I feel his hand grip ahold of my hair.

"Excuse me, what did you say?!"

"You heard me! What are you gonna do about it? You going to hit me in the face for wounding your feelings like the little bitch that you are or are you finally going to grow some balls and take it like a man."

I feel his hand strike my left cheek hard, a stinging sensation against my skin but I hold back my tears.

"Get out of my fucking face, you disgusting bitch before I beat you to a living pulp!" He shoves me away, leaving me to scramble out of his sight and back to the Gryfindor common room where I find Harry and Ron, I explain everything and apologize for not listening to them in the first place...

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now