Mama's Gonna Be Alright (Part II)

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Hermione's POV- (It's now Deathly Hallows Part 1)

Having your daughter with you when you're out trying to find and destroy these Horcruxes is a nightmare, especially when you daughter's biological father is still around you at all times and the arguments have been going on for the last couple of months. Me and Ron can't seem to respect one another since I made my mind up that I'm not going to raise my daughter with his last name but with my last name.

Her name is Matilda, Matilda Jean Granger and in my eyes, she is perfection. She was born at the end of July of this year and since I have to obliviate my parents and since Ron's parents can't stand me anymore, I had to take her with me on this trip.

Jacob has taken up the role of her father figure better than I thought that he would, he spends every moment that he can with her and keeps her away when me and Ron start arguing about her.

"I don't understand why you would want Jacob for her father figure, Hermione..." Ron begins to interrogate me as me and Harry continue to try and figure out how to destroy the next Horcrux.

"Maybe because her real father didn't want anything to do with her? You've got a good set of nuts to even say that, he's been a better father to my little girl than you would have."

"Exactly! I'm her bloody father so why are you and him treating her like I'm not?"

"Ron, you dumped me and slapped me across the face when you first found out that I was pregnant with her, why would I even consider you to be her father when you do that to her own mother?"

"I might have not been the best father for her over the last couple of months but now that she's here, I'm ready to be her dad, Hermione!"

"If you didn't walk out on us, it might have been different but again, you dumped and hit me when you first found out! You are bloody lucky that I am even letting you see her with the way that you have been acting!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Harry snaps at both of us, signalling for Jacob to take Matilda out of the room. "You two have been arguing non-stop since we came on this trip and I am getting sick and tired of all the fighting and arguing that you both have been doing! Ron, Hermione has all the damn right to be raising her daughter without you in the girls' life!"

"All those years, Harry and now you're taking this bitch's side! That's my fucking daughter whether you like it or not, she's got my blood, not that bastard with her!"

"I'm not saying that she isn't your fucking daughter, but that doesn't mean that Hermione should be forced to have you in her life! Jacob has taken up the role that you couldn't, just bloody deal with the fact that Hermione doesn't want you as Matilda's father figure!" That surprisingly shuts Ron up for good before he stands there in silence.

"I hate to be interrupting but Matilda needs feeding, love." Jacob wanders into the room with Matilda crying in his arms, he passes her over to me.

"I'm not arguing with you anymore, Ronald, my daughter needs me." I wander into the other room of the tent where Jacob helps me sit down and I nurse my daughter in complete silence.

"I damn well hate the way that he is at the moment, it's really pissing me off." I vent out my frustrations to Jacob who takes a seat next to me on the floor. "He needs to accept the fact that I don't want him in that manner, you've shown yourself to be a good father to her but since he's the biological father of her, he seems to think differently."

"Sweetheart, trust me. Once this is all over, we'll go back to normal." My boyfriend calms me down, grabbing onto my hand. "We just have to deal with him for the time and then we'll cut him out of our life."

I nod my head, looking back at my daughter in my lap, I smile down at her as Jacob leaves the room.

"Hi, my love." I coo at her, beaming down at her as I begin to hear more fighting in the other room to which I start to see Matilda getting upset with the loud noise in the background "Don't listen to them, look at mama, baby. Look at me, sweetheart."

She unlatches from my breast, I pull my shirt back up and hold her up to my shoulder, lightly patting her back and humming a soft tune in her ear.

"It's all alright, both you and Mama are alright... Nobody's ever going to hurt you." All I can hear from her is some sweet whines and whimpers and before I know it, she's fast asleep on my shoulder. "My sweet little girl... Sleep well, princess."

I gently put her down in the makeshift bed that we have for her which is basically a pile of blankets and a pillow in a wooden basket.

I take a deep breath before heading back into the other part of the tent to find Harry and Jacob being the only two there, I raise my eyebrows since there seems to be no sign of Ron anywhere.

"I hate the fact that Ron is acting like this, Harry, why can't he just bloody understand that Hermione doesn't want him as Matilda's father figure and has to make such a fuss about it." I hear my boyfriend ask Harry in an annoyed voice. "I can't imagine the amount of stress that this is putting on her, I love her and that little girl more than anything than anything and I'm not having Ron take that away from me!"

"Speaking of which, where has Ron gone off to?" I ask them as I wander over, taking a seat next to Jacob.

"He's gone, after me and Jacob kept telling the cold-hard truth, he bailed on us!" Harry tells me, shrugging his shoulders out of irritation. "I'm losing hope with him these days, not just because of the whole Matilda situation but he's actually losing his bloody mind with everything going on."

"This has seemed to be going on since the incident at Hogwarts happened with Hermione." Jacob reminds them, pulling a concerned expression. "I can understand the pressures of being a father but this has blown it completely out of left field and he seems to enjoy the conflict these days."

"We'll going to have to see what happens from here and throughout the rest of our lives..."

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now