Treating Those Scars (Male OC)

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Full Name: Thomas (Tommy) Matthew Riddle III
Age/Birthdate/Year Set: 19 years old/ February 12th 1980/ 1998 (Post-Hogwarts Battle)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Family and Relationships
Tom Marvalo Riddle Junior -Voldermort- (Deceased Father)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Deceased Mother)
Mattheo Riddle (Older Brother)

Relationship with Hermione =Wife
Type of Chapter: Fluff/Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Mentions of blood, injury and abuse⚠️

Summary: After the Second Wizarding War when Tommy and Mattheo betrayed their parents, the younger Riddle finally marries his long-term girlfriend Hermione Jean Granger but the war took a massive toll on Tommy, both mentally and physically... Luckily, his wife is always there to treat his wounds as she carries his first-born child

Tommy's POV: I feel Hermione's fingers peel off the bandage from my face, making me groan and grimace at the pain.
"I'm sorry, baby, I know you hate this part." She apologizes, kissing my forehead lightly.

She dampens the cloth with a antiseptic and holds it against my black and swollen eye, delicately.
"I love you so much..." She whispers, smiling at me.
"I love you too." I smile weakly back at her, I use my good arm to give her belly a gentle rub in my way of greeting our little boy.

"I'm gonna tell him all about how brave you are, every last details." She coos, rubbing her hand along mine. "You are his brave papa."
"I'll do the same for you, marrying into a family like mine is historically always been a challenge, especially you, being muggle-born and all." I respond, sitting up on the bed.
"I know, darling but I was ready to take that challenge because I love you and nothing is ever going to change that." She smiles, putting the cloth down and bandaging up my eye again before getting into bed with me.

I pull her into my arms, breathing in her flowery perfume. I have scars, cuts and bruises everywhere on my body but I don't see them as being ugly or disgusting...

I see them as my achievements in life, I grew up in an abusive family and eventually turned on both of my parents with the help of my older brother Mattheo.

Just a few weeks before; it's like I'm in a battlefield with the students and teachers being the allies whilst the dreaded Death Eaters are the enemy!

Death and anguish lurk around each corner as I make my way through the halls of Hogwarts, fighting Death Eaters and protecting those in need.
"Hermione, there's something that I need to ask you!" I yell at my girlfriend as I stun another Death Eater.
"What is it, sweetheart?" She yells back in the same tone.

"If this is the end of us both, I have one question that I have been dying to ask!"

"Make it quick or we may end up actually dying, Tommy!"

"Will you marry me?!"

Before I hear a response, I'm flung back by a stunning spell, causing me to hit my head against the wall and I just go limp.

Hermione's POV: I watch my boyfriend's lifeless body fling across the room as soon as he asks me that important question, I narrowly dodge a blow before firing a spell that makes them bolt off.
"Thomas! Say something, baby!" I scream out, lightly shaking him before checking his pulse

Thankfully, he still has a pulse

I then watch him slowly open his eyes, like his soul snapped back into his body after a 5 second holiday.
"Where am I? What's happening?" He asks me, panicking.


Before I can respond, both of us get hit by a spell.

Harry's POV, later that day: I am finally standing up to Voldemort after 18 years since my parents' simultaneous death.

"My Lord, our younger son is dead!" Bellatrix announces, laughing as a Death Eater comes into the scene, carrying Tommy's dead body. "We tried to get his mudblood of a girlfriend but the little bitch ran away!"
"Ah, that doesn't matter anymore, the only things that matter to me is.... Me!" Lord Voldemort dismisses his son's death.

Just then, Mattheo walks next to me, giving his father a death stare.
"You don't even care about my younger brother's death, you sick bastard." The older Riddle son yells, raising his wand in Voldemort's direction.
"I'll make it both of my children if you don't shut up, Mattheo Riddle!" Voldemort screams, silencing his oldest.

Hermione's POV: I squeeze through the crowd, shedding tears at the sight of Tommy's body.

Ron pulls me into his arms, tightly hugging me against his chest, allowing me to silently sob into his arms.

"You aren't getting away with anything, you fucking bastard!"

All of our heads turn to Tommy's body slowly rising from the ground in pure agony. He stumbles over to Mattheo and Harry and bravely raises his wand at his father.
"Impossible! I killed you!" Bellatrix screeches, stunned to death at the sight of her 'son' coming back from 'death'.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort curses, shooting the beam towards Tommy and Mattheo to which I shove both of them out of the way in a split-second, narrowly missing the beam as well.

"Everyone, go! I'm the one he wants!" I bolt off, Voldemort hot on my trail.

Tommy's POV: I stumble over to my girlfriend, she grabs my hand and pulls me into a quick kiss before we head out to find the snake, the final horcrux in Voldemort's arsenal.

"Where is this goddamn snake!?" Ron exclaims after searching around the entire castle for it.
"We just need to keep looking, it has to be around here somewhere." I insist, looking around each and every cranny.

Just then, the snake leaps out of nowhere, knocking Ron and Hermione off their feet. I watch as the serpent crawls closer and closer to me. I fumble for my wand that spools out onto the floor but I'm unable to grab it.

A split-second before the fangs impale into my neck, a heroic Neville Longbottom slices the serpent in half with the Sword Of Gryfindor.

I go to congratulate him but I just collapse to my knees suddenly before everything goes pitch black with a high-pitched squeal sounding in the background.

Back to present: Hermione lifts her head from my chest, probably noticing my zoning-out moment.
"You alright, darling? You seem a little dazed...?" She asks me, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Yeah, I'm fine... Just having these flashbacks for some reason." I respond, shrugging my shoulders.
"What are they about?" She asks me
"Just the Second Wizarding War and the Battle of Hogwarts, merlin, that was a rollercoaster of emotions all in a day!" I exclaim, chuckling at myself.

"I'm glad that everyone made it out safe..."

"Me too, my love, me too..."


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