Vampires (Male Y/N) (Requested but Altered)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Slytherin

Relationship with Hermione: Stranger
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary- When Hermione comes across a vampire at Hogwarts, she finds herself falling for him

Nobody's POV-

Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, was known for her logical mind and her unwavering loyalty towards her friends. However, one day, while researching ancient spells in the Hogwarts library, she stumbled upon a mystery that intrigued her more than any other.

A new student had joined the school, a transfer from Durmstrang - a wizard named Y/N. He was unlike any wizard she had ever met. He was undeniably handsome, with an eerie yet charismatic presence. His hair was as dark as the night sky, and his eyes were an unusual shade of red that glowed with an otherworldly intensity. He was polite, yet distant, and seemed to keep to himself, which intrigued Hermione even further.

One day, while studying in the library, Hermione noticed Y/N reading a book about vampire lore. She couldn't help but let her curiosity get the best of her. She walked over to him, and he looked up at her, his red eyes flickering with a spark of interest.

"Studying for Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Hermione asked, trying to make light of the situation.

Y/N chuckled softly, "Something like that."

Over time, Hermione and Y/N began to spend more time together. Despite his mysterious nature, Y/N was incredibly intelligent and shared Hermione's love for learning. They had countless debates about magic theory and history, and Hermione found herself drawn to Y/N's passion and knowledge.

One night, while they were studying together in the library, Hermione noticed Y/N's discomfort as he glanced out towards the window, where the full moon was shining brightly. His skin seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, and his eyes glowed even brighter than before.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked, concern lacing her voice.

Y/N looked at her, revealing his secret that he had been hiding, "I'm a vampire, Hermione."

Hermione was taken aback. She had read about vampires, but she had never met one before. She was initially afraid, but her logical mind took over. She knew Y/N, and he was not the monster that vampires were often portrayed as.

"I won't hurt you, Hermione. I have control over my thirst," Y/N assured her, his voice soft and sincere.

Over time, Hermione found herself falling in love with Y/N. His mysterious nature, his intelligence, and his kind heart were all things that drew her towards him. She felt a connection with him that she had never felt with anyone else.

Y/N also found himself falling for Hermione. He admired her bravery, her intelligence, and her compassionate nature. He found solace in her understanding and acceptance of his true nature.

Their love story was unconventional and filled with challenges, but they both knew that they had found something truly special in each other. Hermione had found her handsome wizard who was also a vampire, and Y/N had found someone who saw beyond his vampiric nature and loved him for who he truly was. Their love story was a testament to the fact that love can transcend all barriers, even those of the magical kind.

(I tried my best)

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