Hardest Part Of Losing You (H.G X Male OC)

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Full Name: Sebastian Remus Lupin-Black
Age/Birthdate/Year: 16 years old (Born January 3rd 1980, Order of The Phoenix)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Hair Colour: Brunette

Family and Relationships:
Sirius Black (Father)
Remus Lupin (Father)
Nymphadora Tonks (Godmother)
James Potter (Deceased Godfather)
Significant Other = Luna Lovegood
Best Friends= Draco Malfoy (ex-boyfriend), Pansy Parkinson and Neville Longbottom
Exes: Hermione Granger (dated for 2 years since Prisoner of Askaban) and Draco Malfoy (dated for 3 months but decided to just be best friends)
Enemies: The Golden Trio and essentially the majority of Gryfindor

Summary: Since Y/N and Hermione broke up, Hermione has felt deep regret for what she did and when she sees Y/N much happier with her new relationships, she gets all jealous.

Hermione's POV: Snarls and curses are flung towards Y/N and Luna as they enter the Great Hall from the entire Gryfindor house other than me... I don't hate Y/N for anything, it was mainly my fault after I cheated on him with Ron.

Over the last couple months, I've noticed that he has been with two people: Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood and I am not going to lie, I have felt envious of both of them whenever I see either of them being flirtatious together.

I look up from the book and catch the gaze of Y/N as he sits at the Ravenclaw table, I bite my tongue to hold back the tears, I'm supposed to feel happy for him but I simply just cannot.

Y/N's POV: I catch Hermione once again staring at me, I just roll my eyes before giving my girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.
"Everything okay, buttercup?" I ask her and she nods, a tint of red blushing flashing on her face.
"Everything is fine, love." She answers with that cute little smile on her face but then notices my gaze towards Hermione.

Luna and Draco are the only two that I have told essentially everything about my relationship with Hermione Granger and they both fully understand and support what I'm feeling.

"Baby, look at me." Luna tilts my head towards her direction with her finger. "Ignore her, she's not even worth it, she cheated and you made the right decision in dumping her." I nod and grin at her.
"I know, love. It's just I've never truly gotten over her and I don't think I ever will." I admit. "But she means nothing to me anymore, I love you and you only."

I give her a quick peck on the lips as Draco and his little cronies come over.
"You two lovebirds are so adorable, anyways, could I talk to Y/N privately?" Draco coos to which Luna nods and heads off to supposedly the Ravenclaw common room.

"What is it, dude?" I ask, turning to look at the blonde-haired boy standing next to me.
"I found this on the floor that is addressed to a Mr. Sebastian Lupin-Black?" He teases me, handing me an enclosed letter.
"It's probably from one of my dads so I'll just read it now." I tell him, ripping the envelope open with a finger and pulling the contents out.

Inside, I find a letter from somebody but who the person is suprise me in an instant:

"Dear, Sebastian...

We haven't spoken in over 5 months, so I decided to write this letter to you as there is no chance of you ever speaking to me again so here it goes:

It's Hermione here, your ex-girlfriend. I'm writing to you to apologize for everything that I have done in the past... I know that you hate me with everything in your gut and I completely accept that but seeing you with Luna and Draco makes my heart turn cold.

From Hermione Jean Granger X

I fold up the letter and eye the bushy-haired Gryfindor that sent it to me, I sigh before turning to look at Draco who is reading the letter from over my shoulder.
"She really isn't over you, is she?" Draco comments, sympathetically looking over at Hermione.
"I have to admit, I never have either." I admit, feeling my eyes well up with immovable tears. "She has always been on the back of my mind when I was with you or Luna."

Surprisingly, Draco isn't in his normal 'hating all muggle-born students' anymore as I've somehow been able to convince the blonde little ferret to be respectful of any blood status.
"I miss all of those good memories with her, but she just had to go and fuck every single thing up, didn't she?" I reminisce out loud without realising it.

Hermione's POV: I look over once again and see him staring at me, causing me to awkwardly look away as Luna comes back into the Great Hall, reading a book.

The last words that he ever said to me still ring in my head from time to time

"You'll be sorry for ever doing this shit to me, Hermione Jean Granger!"

Luna notices his gaze upon me and her face falls with her unsuccessful attempts to gain her boyfriend's attention as he seems to be focused on me than his own girlfriend to the point that she gets up and fucks off.

I may have just ruined a relationship...

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