My Boyfriend Is A Deatheater? (Male Y/N)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Slytherin
Family: Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Mother)
Draco Malfoy ( Older Twin Brother)
Relationship with Hermoine: Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️ Child Abuse⚠️

Summary: Y/N is a deatheater but was completely forced into it by his horrendous parents, both him and his older brother are treated dreadfully after some people find out, one of those being Y/N's girlfriend who immediately wants to kill him but when she overhears something traumatising, she is forced to make a decision.

Hermoine's POV: "You are an absolute idiot sometimes, Harry." I scoff at the raven-haired Gryfindor sitting across from me on the train. "There's no way that my boyfriend is that stupid to ever join with Lord Voldermort. I know him well enough to ensure that."

"You don't know what the Malfoys are up to after we saw them in Diagon Alley a couple days ago!" Harry exclaims, but I just roll my eyes at him as Ron enters the compartment.
"What are you two lunatics arguing about now?" Ron asks, confusion written all over his face as he shuts the door.
"Harry is under the impression that Y/N and Draco Malfoy are deatheaters." I respond, scoffing. "Which I happen to know is 100% false."
"That's quite a bold accusation to make, mate." Ron raises his eyebrows in surprise. "I'd keep that between us three, if that rumour begins to spread then something terrible is going to happen."
"There's still that 1% chance though, we know how Lucius  Malfoy is. He could influence his two children into becoming death-eaters." Harry continues, sighing. "It's just been on my mind lately, there is something happening for sure." I shake my head at him, there's no chance in the world.

At Hogwarts, Y/N's POV: I have been roughly scrubbing at this mark on my arm for a week trying to get it off, but to no avail. It's scarred into my skin like a tattoo.
"Why did we have to be chosen to do this?" Draco whispers towards me, referencing that we have to murder Professor Albus Dumbledore. "We're just two young boys"
"I don't know but we can't let anybody know about this, bro." I tell him, wanting to scream my heart out but I notice my girlfriend is staring at me.
"What are you two on about?" Pansy inquires, looking at us intently. "You two are being really suspicious at the moment."
"It's nothing." I tell her, giving her a weak smile that's full of pain and sorrow.

Back in the Draco and Y/N's shared dorm room: I scribble down my thoughts in the journal that I got from Hermoine a couple years ago, my thoughts are let out onto that page.
"Why must me and my older brother do this? Murdering our own school's headmaster? Out of all deatheaters, they decide to choose the two younger Malfoys? My heart completely sank to my stomach as I heard those words leave the Dark Lord's mouth." I write down onto the blank page, a few tears shedded from my eyes.

Hermoine's POV: I am wondering what is up with Y/N today? He looked so frightened and melancholy during dinner, as I sit here, looking out of my dorm window. I imagine that something serious is going on with the Malfoys.
"Ginny, can I talk to you about something?" I ask my fellow Gryfindor as she returns from Quidditch practice. "It's really important."
"Yeah, what is it?" She inquires, cocking her head at me and giving me the signal to continue.
"I think there's something wrong with Y/N, he looked so upset during dinner. I'm getting really worried about him." I tell her, honestly with a tear leaving my eye.
"Oh, Hermoine... I thought I was the only one who noticed how upset he looked." She responds in a comforting and sympathetic tone, kneeling down next to me. "It must be something really bad 'cause I've never seen your boyfriend look so damn upset about something, he's normally so peppy and enthusiastic about everything.... Maybe go and try to find out what's going on tommorow?" I nod and we turn in for the night.

The next day: I find Y/N writing in that journal that I got him a few years back as a Christmas present as I enter the library, he spots me and immediately closes the book and puts it away.
"Are you alright, my love?" I question him and I can see him avert all kind of eye contact. "Baby, what's going on?"
"It's nothing, darling." He tells me with his voice cracking. "Nothing for you to be worrying about." He awkwardly looks away and scratches the back of his head.

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