How The Fuck Did You End Up Here? (Muggle!Female Y/N)

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(This specific imagine is not set in Hogwarts but does include Hermione as a character)

Summary: Y/N is a massive Potterhead and loves the film's, her favourite character being Hermione Jean Granger. She decides to have a Harry Potter movie marathon where she eventually falls asleep half-way through 'Half-Blood Prince'. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds Hermione in her bed with her before freaking out about how the brightest witch of her age got in her bed.

Y/N's POV-

The very heavy rain pattering against my window can only mean that it is time for a Harry Potter movie marathon! I had liked the books when I was a kid and watched all of the 8 movies back to back about 10 million times since they all came out with 'Prisoner of Askaban' being my personal favourite of the series and Hermione being my personal favourite character.

Half-way through the 5th film, I begin to feel my eyes beginning to get droopy but I manage to get through that film before turning it off half-way through the 6th film so I head off to bed and pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I begin to hear my dreaded alarm and somehow forget how the bloody fuck I got into my bed again, reaching over to turn off my alarm when it suddenly switches off without my input but I'm still half-asleep so I have not 100% calculated where I am...

"That's how you turn that dreaded sound off, sounds like Ron and Harry in the morning after Quidditch..." I hear the sound of a woman but not just any woman but the genuine sound of Hermione Jean Granger/Emma Charlotte Duree Watson's voice in my bedroom so I quickly rub my eyes and look around to see Hermione herself in my bed.

I quickly pinch my skin to see if I was dreaming when nothing happ- HOW THE FUCK IS HERMIONE GRANGER IN MY BED!?

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screech, leaping a foot in the air which immediately wakes Hermione up with her falling out of my bed.

"WHO GOES THERE!" Hermione draws her wand from her back pocket, flipping her hair out of her face before looking over at her surroundings. "Where the hell am I?!"

"Hermione? Is that you?" She notices my presence and aims her wand at me in a threatening way, causing me to raise my hands in fear. "No! I come in peace!"

"You aren't a Muggle, are you? How do you know my name!" She seems to calm down in an instant, hiding her wand behind her back. "If you are, you couldn't turn around so I can wipe your me-"

She stops herself from talking when I give her a worrying look, furrowing both my eyebrows.

"I know what you are, Hermione... You're in the Harry Potter films!"

"Harry has his own movie franchise!? I have to tell Ron and Harry about this... as soon as I figure out how to get back home that is..."

"I can show you if you want, come with me."

We both wander downstairs and I am still trying to decipher if I am just hallucinating or I may have fallen into a coma in my sleep because this cannot be real...

"Hermione, you couldn't slap me in the face, could you? I want to find out if this is all a dre-" Just then without warning, Hermione slaps me across the face and I come to the realisation that this is not a dream or anything like that...


"I didn't hurt you that badly, did I?" I shake my head, feeling my heart beating out of my chest. "I never got your name?"

"It's Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Y/N." She smiles at me, admiring her surroundings. "I'm sorry about threatening you with my wand earlier, it's sort of like a fight or flight response..."

"You have nothing to be worried about, I know all about your world and those who inhabit the wizarding world."

"How? Are you a Squib or something?"

I laugh before pulling out one of the 'Harry Potter' films from my cabinet and showing her the front cover to which her eyes just widen.

"There's me, Harry, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna and... Cho!" She yells, grabbing the film box from me and pointing out all of her friends on the cover art which is quite cute to watch. "How did you get this photograph of us? It's amazing! The photo cameras that we have at Hogwarts aren't like this good of quality!"

"That's because it's 2022, not the 90s... I'm surprised that you still look like you're from 1996." I comment, stifling a chuckle at her adorable nature.

"I wonder what the future is going to be like for me when I hopefully return back to my world, you know... I keep thinking about Ron but now he has a girlfriend and I don't know what to feel."

"You'll end up together, trust me..."

I wish she didn't have to return to the wizarding world because I have had a undeniable crush on her since I was younger and that's probably the reason that I'm into women now.

"You think so? I mean, it just feels like I could be slightly into women but I don't know who I like." My heart begins pounding against my chest rapidly as she looks up at me with those sultry chestnut brown eyes of hers. "You ever feel like that? Has the world accepted same-sex couples, Y/N?"

"Yeah, we accept them a whole lot more than in the 90s, we even have same-sex marriages now!"

"That's amazing, think of all the people from my world that can be in love in this world... Seamus and Dean or Harry and Draco."

"Harry and Draco are in love? I thought they hated one another?"

"I have legitimately caught them making out in the Gryfindor common room several times so you can definitely assume that those two are not 100% straight."

"The films never showed that, it said that Ginny and Harry become a thing at the end..."

"Ginny is with Luna though? They were the first same-sex couple to be out about themselves..."

"Woah! Maybe I need to come with you to see this all happening..."

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now