Protective Boyfriend (Male OC) (Requested)

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Full Name: Lucas 'Paddy' Lupin-Black
Age/Birthdate/Year: 17 years old, Born December 24th 1979, 1996 (Half-Blood Prince)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Family and Relationships
Sirius Orion Black III (Deceased Father)
Remus John Lupin (Father)
James Potter (Deceased Godfather)
Lily Potter (nee. Evans) (Deceased Godmother)
Harry James Potter (Cousin)

Relationship with Hermione= Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Contains mentions of blood⚠️

Summary: Harry, Hermione and Lucas are wondering down to the courtyard when Ron and Lavender say something incredibly rude about Hermione which ticks off Lucas, resulting in a fight between Lucas and Ron

Lucas's POV

To say that I'm a bit overprotective over my bloody girlfriend would genuinely be a understatement, I've threatened to murder Draco Malfoy's entire family after he called Hermione a derogatory term that I'm not gonna repeat...

Lately, Ron has been distant from me, Harry and Hermione as he's surprisingly gotten himself a girlfriend which made all three off us laugh at first before we realise that he's not bullshitting us.

He's been dating Lavender Brown for a couple of months now which baffles me to think about, you wouldn't think that how idiotic that he can be would be attractive to a girl like Lavender but I guess anything can happen these days, huh?

Ever since the two of them became a couple, we have seen a significant change to Ron and not in a good way, he's getting way too cocky and arrogant now but honestly that could just be him finally maturing.

Hermione and Harry came to the bottom of the Ravenclaw Tower to collect me as we have planned to go and see Hagrid on this lovely Saturday, we wander throughout the Hogwarts halls, discussing everything that comes to our mind from last year's dreadful Defence Against The Dark Arts professor, Professor Umbridge to our potion lessons with Professor Slughorn.

But when we come across Ron and Lavender in the hallway, I hear something that I never wanted to about my girlfriend...

"I'm surprised that Lucas is still with that disgusting mudblood..."

I stop dead in my tracks, turning my head to look at him to which he immediately stops laughing and just stares at me with a cocky smile on his face.
"You wanna repeat that Weasley?" I threaten, stepping towards him and dropping Hermione's hand.

"Lucas, calm down, mate..." Harry tells me, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me away but I just shrug him off.

"I said 'I am surprised that you stayed with that filthy muggle-born...' " Ron snarls, grimacing at me.

"You leave my fucking girlfriend alone or I swear to fuck, you won't see the light of day ever again." I creepily smile at him, threateningly.

"I'd like to see your weak ass try." He scoffs but before he could blink, I viciously grip onto his shirt and shove him to the floor, trading punches.

I hit him multiple times but he fights back, punching me in the mouth and nose several times.

Harry pulls me off him, grimacing at Ron.
"You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry informs Ron, shoving him.

I see the blood dripping from my nose and lip, Hermione pulls me away as Seamus and Dean defuse the situation with Ron.

Hermione and Harry take me to their common room where Hermione performed some sort of spell which healed my wounds, leaving just some prominent scarring on my face...

(Sorry about the delay, I was really busy today)

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