A Little Help? (Female Y/N)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince (but reader is in 5th year)
House: Ravenclaw

Hermione Granger (Older Sister)

Relationship with Hermione: Sister
Type of Chapter: Fluff
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary- When Y/N asks Hermione for some help in preparation for O.W.L.S, Hermione helps her study for the exams.

Y/N's POV-

So I have been struggling with my O.W.L exam preparation and it isn't too long away that I take the exams so I am internally panicking that I'm not gonna do that well... My older sister Hermione has always told me that I need to do my very best at everything that I do at school to get the best possible grades and be set for life but at the moment, I feel like a failure.

I see her, Ron and Harry in the library doing what I suppose is their homework but then she looks over at me, concern in her eyes.

"Y/N, is everything alright?" She asks me with Ron and Harry looking up at me.

"I don't mean to be a nuisance but is it possible that you could help me study for my O.W.Ls? I know that you are busy with your own work..." I nervously ask her.

"Yeah, of course, I'm basically done with my homework so I'll help you." Hermione slots her homework back into her bag.

"Hermione, you said that you would hel-" Ron starts but Hermione cuts him off.

"I have told you how to do it, I need to help my little sister." Me and Hermione head to a quieter part of the library and crack on, she helps with the questions that I have about the subjects and I finally start to understand.

"Promise me, Y/N, you are lucky that you don't have Dolores Umbridge for your fifth year teacher. She was a bloody nightmare and a half..."

"I still had her for Defence Against The Darks Arts, Hermione, I'm only a year younger than you." I remind her, seeing her remember that I'm not eleven years old.

"You're still my baby sister no matter how old you get, you're gonna be 30 years old and I'll still be treating you the same."

"You treat me like that when I am thirty bloody years old and I'll treat you like a elderly woman and buy you a walking cane."

"You definitely got Dad's humour, didn't you? Gosh, you're annoying."

"That's what I'm here for, Hermione..."

Y/N and Hermione plan to meet up everyday in the library to help Y/N study for her O.W.Ls and when the time came around for her to get her results, they weren't too surprised to see that Y/N managed to pass all of her exams with flying colours...

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