A Riddle And A Granger (Male OC)

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Full Name- Damian Severus Riddle

Age/Birthdate/Year- 16 years old, December 29th 1979, Half-Blood Prince (1996)

House- Slytherin

Family and Relationships-

Tom Marvalo 'Lord Voldemort' Riddle (Father), Bellatrix Lestrange (Mother)

Relationship With Hermione-  Secret Girlfriend

Type of Chapter- Angst

Trigger Warnings- None

Summary- When a Riddle and a Granger form an unlikely relationship, Damian's parents aren't too happy about it, especially when Tom finds a love letter from Hermione so Damian runs away and changes who he is with.

Nobody's POV

Once upon a time, in the dark and twisted world of wizards, there lived a man named Tom Riddle. Known to many as Lord Voldemort, he was feared and revered by all who crossed his path. Tom Riddle was a man consumed by darkness, his heart devoid of any compassion or empathy. He was a master manipulator, using his cunning and intelligence to rise to power.

In his quest for dominance, Tom Riddle had an accomplice and loyal follower named Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix was just as ruthless and cruel as her master, willing to do anything to please him. Together, they wreaked havoc on the wizarding world, leaving destruction and despair in their wake.

As time went on, their twisted love for each other grew stronger, and they decided to bring a child into their dark existence. Their son, Damian Severus Riddle, was born into a world of darkness and evil. From an early age, Damian displayed signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), inheriting his father's lack of empathy and remorse.

Damian grew up in a household where cruelty was the norm. His parents taught him that power and dominance were the only things that mattered in life. As he grew older, Damian became even more sadistic, finding pleasure in causing pain to others. He revelled in the suffering he inflicted upon those weaker than him.

However, amidst all the darkness that surrounded Damian's life, there was one person who managed to capture his heart - Hermione Granger. Hermione was a muggle-born witch with a brilliant mind and a kind heart. She saw something in Damian that no one else did – a glimmer of humanity buried deep within his twisted soul.

Their paths crossed one fateful day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Damian was immediately drawn to Hermione's intelligence and strength. He found himself captivated by her beauty and intrigued by her unwavering belief in the power of love and compassion.

Despite their differences, Damian and Hermione began a secret relationship. They met in hidden corners of the castle, away from prying eyes. Hermione saw the potential for goodness in Damian and believed that love could change him. Damian, in turn, found solace in Hermione's presence, feeling a sense of peace he had never experienced before.

Their relationship blossomed in secrecy, but it was not without its challenges. Hermione's muggle-born status made their love forbidden in the eyes of Damian's pure-blood supremacist father. The thought of his son associating with a muggle-born was abhorrent to Tom Riddle, and he would never accept their relationship.

One day, as Damian and Hermione were exchanging love letters, disaster struck. Tom Riddle stumbled upon one of the letters, revealing their forbidden love. Enraged by his son's betrayal, he confronted Damian, his voice dripping with venom.

"What is this? A love letter? You dare to defy me?" Tom Riddle's eyes burned with fury as he waved the letter in front of Damian's face.

Damian felt a surge of fear and anger coursing through his veins. He knew that his father's wrath would be merciless. Without a second thought, he made a split-second decision – to run away from home and leave behind the darkness that had consumed him for so long.

With tears streaming down his face, Damian packed a small bag and fled into the night. He knew that leaving everything behind meant severing ties with his parents forever. But he also knew that it was the only way to protect Hermione from his father's wrath.

As Damian wandered through the world alone, he began to reflect on his past actions and the pain he had caused others. He realized that he had become everything he despised – a monster just like his father. Determined to change, Damian sought redemption and a chance to make amends.

He sought out the Order of the Phoenix, an organization dedicated to fighting against Voldemort and his followers. Damian offered his assistance, hoping to prove that he had turned his back on the darkness that had consumed him for so long.

The members of the Order were sceptical at first, but Damian's sincerity and remorse eventually won them over. They saw the potential for change within him and decided to give him a chance at redemption.

Under their guidance, Damian began to learn the true meaning of compassion and empathy. He worked tirelessly to undo the damage he had caused, helping those affected by his past actions. Slowly but surely, he started to rebuild his life and find a sense of purpose.

Months passed, and Damian's transformation was evident to all who knew him. He had managed to get back onto the good side, proving that even the darkest souls could find redemption if they were willing to change.

One day, as Damian was reflecting on his journey, he received a letter from Hermione. She had heard of his transformation and wanted to see him again. Overwhelmed with joy, Damian eagerly agreed to meet her.

When they finally reunited, it was as if time stood still. Hermione looked into Damian's eyes and saw a changed man – someone who had fought against his own demons and emerged victorious. Their love for each other remained strong, despite the challenges they had faced.

Damian vowed never to let darkness consume him again. With Hermione by his side, he knew that love and compassion would guide him on the path of redemption. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that their love could conquer even the darkest of hearts.

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