Fake Hatred (Emma X Male Y/N)

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Summary: Emma and Y/N are secretly dating but they chose to keep it completely secret from everyone that they knew but when they were casted to be lovers in a new film, they have to pretend that they hate one another.


What's worse than being in a secret relationship with one of the most gorgeous women in the world? Having to pretend that you cannot stand one another in order for people to not get suspicious about anything that was happening behind the scenes. I have to legitmately act like I hate my own girlfriend with everything in my body when really I just wanna be able to kiss her but it's all down to Emma's horrible agent not wanting her to be seen with somebody like myself.

"Alright people, it's time for that romantic kiss between Emma and Y/N's characters!" The director announces and I fake a grimacing expression at Emma who just rolls her eyes at me as Chris Hemsworth, our co-star nudges my shoulder.

"Are you sure that I couldn't do this with anybody other than him?" Emma complains to the director, glancing over at me.

"I'm sorry, Emma but there's nothing that we can do about that, you're going to have to miss Y/N one way or another..." The director shrugs his shoulders, glancing between me and Emma who are on opposite sides of the room. "What's so bad about Y/N anyways, what has he ever done to you to think of him like this?"

"He's actually repulsive, that's why! His entire personality and everything else about him just sickens me to death..." She continues to complain but I obviously know that she means nothing of this really so I inconspicuously smirk at how cocky she really is.

"I could say the same thing about you, Watson!" I fire back, giving her a cocky smile before rolling my eyes and we eventually agree to go along with the kissing scene.

Basically, our characters are two police officers who are investigating a case together as they slowly fall in love with one another... Emma plays Lieutenant Olivia Briggs and I play Lieutenant James Williamson.

(Y/N = James and Emma = Olivia)

"We've been investigating the same bloody murder case for weeks and we are barely getting anywhere, there's no sign of any DNA that can lead us to where this deranged psychopath could be." Olivia complains, throwing her hands in the air out of frustration as James investigates another dead body which is suspected to be another killing of Anthony Briggs, Olivia's estranged younger half-brother.

"I know and I'm getting frustrated as well!" James sighs, standing up and holstering his flashlight as the rain begins to get heavier and heavier by the second. "We need to find him if it's the last thing that we do... But this has been a great bonding opportunity between the two of us though! Remember all the happy moments that we've had during this investigation, Briggs."

Olivia goes quiet for a moment and James notices her silence, nudging her shoulder.

"What if there's no point even looking for my half-brother anymore, James? He could be off in a different country at this point!" James could see the anger in her face as she carelessly shoves past him.

"So, you're just gonna quit here? If we don't look for this guy, he could be out there viciously destroying other people's lives for his sick pleasure!" James begins to complain as she kicks a pebble into a nearby stream.

"I'm just done, James..." Olivia's eyes begin to water up before he sighs, pulling her into his warm embrace.

"I understand that this is very distressing for you but we need to do this to keep the people of this town safe..."

James reaches up to push Olivia's brunette locks out of her face, her light brown eyes meeting his and before he knew it, his heart was thrumming rapidly against his chest before they both leaned in, their lips brushing against one another before Olivia just pulled him into a passionate kiss.

They pull away, laughing which made the both of them before they continue their investigation.


"Cut!" The director announces as Emma and Y/N continue their act of hating one another but nobody believed them.

"That was way too romantic for you to really hate one another!" Chris yelled at the couple to which Emma and Y/N smirked at one another.

"You know that we don't actually hate one another, right?" Emma tells them, making everyone in the studio laugh.

"We knew that you two had something going on all along, we've seen the inconspicuous smiles at each other which just simply made the whole act a joke!" The director teases them. "Are you two a thing then?"

"Is it that obvious?!" Y/N exclaims before he nods his head, pulling Emma into a kiss.

"I FUCKING CALLED IT!" Chris exclaims, running around the set like a child.

From that day forward, they didn't have to hide their love for one another, even going as far as to attend the movie's premiere together...

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now