Manipulation (Male OC)

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Full Name- Hardin Atticus Black
Age/Birthdate/Year- 16 years old, Born November 12th 1979, Half-Blood Prince (1995)
Hogwarts House- Slytherin

Family and Relationships
Regulus Atticus Black (Deceased Father)
Sirius Orion Black III (Deceased Uncle)

Relationship with Hermione- Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Contains accusations of a abusive relationship ⚠️

Summary: When Ron and Harry express their concerns about Hermione's relationship with Hardin Black, she is immediately offended and storms out to which Hardin goes to find her and comforts her.

Hermione's POV-

"I still don't understand what makes you think that you and Hardin's relationship can ever be fixed with the way that he treats you." Ron comments on me and my boyfriend's relationship to which I just ignore him. "Someone as horrible as him doesn't deserve somebody like you, Hermione. You deserve a guy like me who will treat you right."

"I've told you a million times, Ronald, I do not like you in that way or will eve like you in that way. My heart belongs to Hardin and nobody else." I reprimand him, getting frustrated at my best friend. "I'm in love with him no matter what you or Harry think."

"I have to admit but Ron is right this time around, it's horrible how Hardin treats you around us two. If you can't see that, then I don't know what we are going to do with you." Harry adds himself to me and Ron's conversation, looking up from his copy of the Daily Prophet.

"You don't know what goes on behind the scenes with me and him..." I scoff, feeling my anger take over before making my way out of the Great Hall. "You two are stupid for thinking that way..."

Hardin's POV-

I'm just getting on with some Potions homework when I feel Draco nudge my arm, pointing towards the door where I see Hermione storming out before glancing towards Potter and Weasley to see their guilty-as-fuck expressions.

"You should go and check up on Hermione, Hardin, she looked quite upset." Pansy informs me so I take her advice and make my way down the hall to where I normally find my girlfriend when she's upset and that is in the library and no surprise, there is Hermione Jean Granger frantically looking through different books.

Hermione has a weird coping mechanism when it comes to her stress and that is either reprimanding people (especially me) or studying to get her mind off it all which I have tried to explain is not a very healthy coping mechanism but I just get verbal abuse in response.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't seem very happy when you were walking out of the Great Hall." I inquire, slipping both of my hand in my pockets to which Hermione sighs before giving me a tempered response.

"It's just Ron and Harry, they are being fucking assholes again."

"I've told you before but you don't need people like them in your life, Hermione. People like them are just trying to drag you down no matter what it takes."

"Harry and Ron have been my best friends since before we even met! What makes you think that they would ever do something like that to me!"

"Have you fucking seen the way that the two of those bastards have been treating you recently? I'm just trying to help you here, Hermione but it seems that you simply don't want my advice so why even bother?!"

"Baby, I understand that but I don't know what to be doing. They have been having a go at me for the last 3 weeks so I guess that could just be why."

"It's good to know that you're finally turning to the good side here, I knew that you were the intelligent one of your little group."

I wrap my arms around his neck before he pulls me into a passionate kiss, pressing me up against the bookcase.

I fucking love him but at the same time, I don't know whether to be fully trusting of my boyfriend or my two 'best friends' at this point, I'm internally fearing that no matter whom I choose in this particular situation that it will just end up going to shit either way and if there's one thing that people need to know about me, that's that I don't like when I'm not in control of something even if controlling that thing seems to be impossible.

I was taught years ago to trust your gut in the situation but since I'm beginning to think that something or somebody has been trying to ruin my life but what that thing or who that person is still not 100% processed in my brain.

"I think that we need to work through our differences at some point, we have just been arguing non-stop for the last month with barely any affection/happiness happening between us two."

"What are you on about? All couples argue like we do from time to time so what's the point of trying to fix this 'issue' that we actually don't have?" Hardin seems to get offended at the idea of couple counseling for us both. "Hermione, we aren't any different than Weasley and his wittle girlfriend so what's the point in doing that?"

"I know bu-" He cuts me off with a finger up to my lips and a simple sentence that somehow manages him to get inside my brain....

"Be quiet about that, I don't want to hear about that nonsense for any longer."

I rest my head against his chest, feeling his arms around my back, I can't describe why I feel this way for Hardin Black but it seems that he has just effortlessly put me under some kind of trance that I can't escape from but at the same time, I really like this kind of relationship with my boyfriend.

"Gosh, I love you..." Is the line uttered from my mouth.

"I love you too." He responds, kissing my forehead...

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