Asking For Angela (Emma X Male Y/N)

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Summary- When Emma asks Y/N for Angela when out on a date with a stranger...

Y/N's POV-

So these two people came into the bar earlier and I can just sense that something is going on here, she just looks completely disinterested in the guy and as if she needs help but I can't be too assured as it could just be my mind fucking with me.

But then, as I am fixing up another customer's drink, I see them walk up to the bar and take a seat next to one another, I can legitimately smell the alcohol on him so I know that he's drunk.

"Can I help you both?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Gimme a beer!" The man aggressively shouts at me, having no respect for the staff here.

"Please don't be getting aggressive, what can I do you for, miss?"

"I just wanted to know if Angela is working?" I get confused but then I see the look in her eye again and just know that she's asking for help.

"Yeah, come on, I'll take you to the back." I discreetly ask one of my co-workers to cover me for a couple of minutes as I take the girl back. "Is he making you uncomfortable? I saw the both of you walk in earlier and I could just see it on your face."

"He's been following me around for the last couple of hours, my friends and I were supposed to meet here but it seemed that they ditched me so I came by myself and he's been trying to get my number for the last couple of minutes."

"Alright, I'll quickly call security and get him out, you stay back here for a couple of minutes." I head back to the bar to see him still sitting there.

"Where did you take my girlfriend, you bastard!?" He stands to his feet, drawing a knife from his pocket. "You tell me right this second!"

I call over security as he tries to stab me over the counter, the security guard tackles him to the ground and manages to disarm him as I call the police. As soon as they arrive and he is taken care of, I head back to the backroom to find the girl still standing there.

"He's gone now, we called the police and they took him away, is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Not really, I might just call a cab and get myself home."

"Would you like me to stay with you as you wait? I'd be more than happy to."

"Yeah, if you wouldn't mind."

I take her out to the backdoor of the club as she phones for a taxi, I learn her name is Emma and I tell her my own name. The taxi arrives not too long afterwards and seconds before she gets in, she hands me a small piece of paper.

"Thank you for helping me with him, I really appreciate it." She thanks me as she gets into the transportation, I wave her off before opening what she had just handed me.

"Call me
-Emma xxxx"

I watch down the street as the taxi that she is in drives off, smirking down at the piece of paper in my hands, knowing exactly what I'm doing when I get back home. I end up calling the number when I get back home later that night and we arranged a date together.

One date came after, then another for the next couple of months before I asked her to be my girlfriend and then after a few more years go by, I ask her to marry me and then as the years go by, we get married and start a family together. I never knew that I would meet the love of my life at a club and end up marrying her years later...

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now