Story Time (Male Y/N)

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Year: Post-Hogwarts
House: Gryfindor
Family: Weasleys (Ron's twin brother)
Relationship with Hermoine: Wife
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️ Blood and Torture⚠️

Summary: You and Hermoine have a 9 year old son named Oliver Weasley and a 4 year old son Arthur-James Weasley who notices Hermoine's "Mudblood" scar on her arm and asks what happened causing flashbacks for the both of you... then they ask about other things that have happened.

Y/N's POV, 2007: Me and Hermoine are watching muggle television when our sons Oliver and Arthur come over and notice something on my wife's arm.
"Mumma, what's that on your arm?" Oliver inquires, pulling a really concerned expression. "Daddy didn't hurt you, did he?"
"No, sweetheart. Daddy would never harm me, do you wanna hear the story of what happened?" Hermoine sits forward and pulls him onto her lap. He nods so I decide to listen in.

(Hermoine is describing what happened)
Y/N's POV: So, somehow us four ended up at Malfoy Manor searching for horcruxes, we got caught by a group of pesky snatchers.
"I wanna have a chat with this one..." Bellatrix sneers towards my girlfriend in a disturbing tone. "Girl to girl! Take the boys to the cellar."

Hermoine's POV: My breaths are heavy as this deranged pyschopath grips onto my shirt, clawing her fingers into my chest.
"Tell me now, pretty girl... How did you get it?" She asks but I refuse to tell her anything. "Did you take it from my vault!?"
"I swear, I didn't do anything!" I cry, fearing for my life. She grabs a blade and begins to cut into my forearm making me scream out in pain so heart-wrenchingly that I can just sense the fear on my boyfriend's face.

Y/N's POV: The walls essentially shake with the agonising screeches of pain from my girlfriend, I shudder whilst imagining all the horrendous things that the evil bitch could be doing to her. I look at my brother and Harry almost in tears.
"We need to help her, we can't just stand here and listen to those gut-wrenching screams!" I exclaim, jiggling the cell door as Peter Pettigrew comes to check on us. "Let her go! Now!"
"Why should I? The disgusting mudblood go? How stupid do you think I am?!" He responds, giving me a creepy smile before we hear another heart-wrenching scream. "Your wittle girlfriend up there, she's getting what people like her deserve!"

"Let her go, Pettigrew!" Harry joins in, going to pull out his wand before we all notice that we've all been stripped of our wands.
"You're a pathetic, cruel and heartless bastard!" Ron yells at him, aggressively.  "That girl means the universe to us 3!"
"Well, too bad." He chuckles before walking out of view.

Hermoine's POV: The derogatory term 'Mudblood' is engraved into my forearm as I lay here with tear-stained cheeks and a heart beating twice as fast than normal.
"Hermoine!" Y/N screams, running to my side. "Fuck, that looks horrible." He immediately searches through his bag and pulls out bandages, he wraps my arm in bandages. I sit up and look at him, Ron and Harry.
"H-how did you three get out?" I stammer, they all just smile at each other.
"Oh, don't worry about it." Harry chuckles before slapping Ron in the back of the head.
"What the bloody hell was that for, Harry?" Ron complains before we all start to giggle.

But a unrecognisable laugh silences ours, that's when we all see Bellatrix standing there laughing mockingly.
"That's a brilliant joke, Potter!" She tells us, sarcastically. "Real funny." But then her sadistic smile fades into a furious expression.
"Seems that the two wittle Weasleys and wittle Potter thinks that they found a way out... How pathetic!" She mocks us. "It ain't good enough, Ava-"
"Expelliarmus!" A small voice appears behind us, it's Dobby! "You leave Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Y/N Weasley and Hermoine Granger alone!" He then helps us get away.

Back to present: They both cock their heads at me as I tell them the story.
"So, let me get this straight... You, mumma, Uncle Ron and Uncle Harry go to this house and get saved by a house elf?" Oliver inquires, looking really confused.
"Basically, yeah." I respond, chuckling. "This house elf was named Dobby and my, was he brilliant?"
"What happened to Dobby, papa?" Arthur asks me, inquisitively.
"Sadly, later on, Dobby went to heaven." My wife answers that for me.
"I saw mumma writing an article about house elves but I can't really remember anything." He sighs. "Could you tell us about Hogwarts, please?"

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now