Scenarios With Hermione/ General

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These are just some conversations that I thought up in my head, sorry if they are actually quite shit

Ron: Hey Hermione, do you wanna go to th-
Y/N, interrupting him: No, Ronald
Ron: I asked Her-
Hermione: The man/lady/human said no Ronald!

Y/N, staring at Hermione across the room:
Snape: Mr/Miss/Mx Y/L/N, would you kindly pay attention to the work and not Miss Granger?
Y/N: *stays silent but looks at him*
Snape, confused: Why aren't he/she/they saying something?
Hermione: Nobody plans a murder out loud, professor!

Harry: Sooo, are you and Hermione a thing then?
Y/N, sitting on Hermione's lap flirting: What!? No, we're not, Harold!

*When Ron and Hermione were a thing*
Ron: Do you have feelings for my girlfriend, Y/N?
Y/N: Lemme ask you this, do I have reoccurring fantasises and dreams about your girlfriend constantly? Do I get exceeding jealous whenever you're with her? Yes to both those questions... Do I like her? No, definitely not.
Hermione, blushing her ass off whilst Ron just sits there agape:

Harry: So, you and Y/N are dating, huh?
Hermione: What makes you say that? Of course we aren't...
Harry, smirking: So you wouldn't mind if I did this?
Hermione: What?
Harry, yelling across the Great Hall: Y/N, DO YOU WANNA GO TO HOGSMEADE THIS WE-
Hermione, cutting him off: You leave my fucking princess/prince/preffered alone, Harry James Potter!

*You are Ginny's twin sister/brother/sibling*
Ginny, towards Harry: So, I have a question for you, Harry
Harry: Oh yeah? What is it?
Ginny: There's been something that I need to tell you, it's about last night in the Burrow... What happened between us?
Harry: I don't particularly know
Ginny: I was just wondering i-
Y/N, snooping on the other side of the room: GINNY, SHUT UP AND KISS HIM ALREADY, I'M GETTING BORED OVER HERE!
Ginny, chasing after Y/N: You little shit!

Y/N, before walking out of the room: Hermione, we're best friends right? But I would still fuck you if you asked me to
Hermione: Wh-
Harry, eating crisps on the other side of the room: He/She/They said that you are best friends!
Ron, watching intently: But that he/she/they would fuck you if you asked!

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now