Trying For Kids (Part II)

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12 years later, 2017, Daniel's POV-

So me and Hermione ended up having four kids before she got her tubes tied, we had three girls and a boy. I would definitely say that they all look like Hermione more than myself with them seeming to get my hair colour but most of Hermione's facial features and eye colour.

I love all four of them more than anything and today, we send our eldest daughter off to Hogwarts for her first year, her name is Maddison Jean Granger and she was born in mid-October of 2005, she looks exactly like her mother and obviously got her intelligence at the same time.

Then there was Gracelyn Minerva Granger who was born late-August of 2007, who was named after Hermione's personal favourite professor at Hogwarts, she looks more like me but again, she has her mother's eyes.

Then there was our only son, Kasper Rubeus Morgan-Lee Granger who was born early January of 2010, he seems to be more like myself with a growing interest in quidditch and dragons.

Then finally, we had Danielle Alyssa-Hermione Granger which was the name that I picked out personally since she looks the most like myself. She was born in September 2014 and she seems to be the most cheeky of all four of them.

"Alright, are you 100% sure you have everything? Dad didn't miss anything on the list?" My wife seems to be still asking our daughter as we stand on Platform 9¾, she looks over at me with a cheeky smile on her face as I stand there with Gracelyn and Kasper.

"I think so, Dad was panicking that he might of forgotten something when we were in Diagon Alley." Maddison smiles at her mother as Hermione looks back at me, a proud look on her face.

"You promise that you'll write back to me and your mother, Maddison?" I ask my daughter who nods, eagerly before Hermione kisses her forehead and gives her a hug.

"Say goodbye to Dad." Maddison comes over and gives me a cuddle.

"Promise me one thing, darling, anybody messes with yo-"

"Daniel! Don't be putting those thoughts in her head!" We all laugh at Hermione getting annoyed at me before the train whistle blows, signalling for Maddie to get on the train.

"Study hard and we'll see you around Christmas?" We say goodbye, giving her one last hug before she boards the train and before we know it, it's pulling out of the station.

"Daddy, when will me and Gracie go to Hogwarts?" My son asks me as we begin to head out of the station to the car.

"Grace should be heading there next year but you have a few years to go, little man." I tell him, smiling down at the two little ones holding onto my hands.

"Is there where you and Mumma met?" Grace asks, Hermione and myself look at one another.

"Me and Daddy didn't like one another at first, he wasn't very nice to me, Uncle Ron and Uncle Harry but that all changed when we were in our sixth year of Hogwarts, I'll tell you on the way back home, how about that?" Hermione explains to them as we reach the car.

Fuck me, am I lucky to be a father to these beautiful little angels and even more lucky to be married to Hermione Jean Granger herself?

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