He's Just Like His Father (Male Y/N)

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix
House: Slytherin
Family Members:
Severus Snape (Father)
Relationship with Hermione: Aquaintance
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: Professor Snape's son Y/N continues to crush on a certain Gryfindor but she doesn't even acknowledge his existence, his father notices this crush and it reminds him of Lily Potter so he sympathizes with his child for once, even caring to tell the story of his unrequited love.

Y/N's POV: Hermione Granger is the name of the girl that I'm in love with and that has been the same for the last 3 years, but she doesn't acknowledge my goddamn existence despite me trying to get to know her repeatedly throughout the last 5 years.

I've been compared to my father by Professor Albus Dumbledore for no reason when he noticed me staring at Hermione one time, last year.

Right now, I'm in Potions with my father as the teacher and once again, I'm admiring Hermione from the distance, Dad has definitely noticed my gaze as he has tapped my desk several times to get my attention.
"Y/N, pay attention please!" Dad exclaims, gaining my attention.
"Sorry, professor." I apologize and pay attention to the lesson but I find myself unconsciously gazing at Hermione again.

After the class, I'm about to leave when my dad calls for me to stay after class.
"Son, what is with your poor attention during your recent classes?" He asks me, pulling a irritated expression.
"My apologies, father but it's Hermione Granger, I have feelings for her but she doesn't even acknowledge my existence half of the time and I'm pretty sure she has a thing for Ron Weasley anyway... It's unrequited love." I look up at him, awaiting punishment when he gives me a comforting pat on the shoulder.
"You really are like me, aren't you kiddo?" He sighs, sitting me down at his desk. "Let me explain what I mean..."

"There was this girl that I loved when I was your age and I was in the same situation, she fell in love with, her name was Lily Evans... I guess in a funny way, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger all resemble Lily in some way." He explains, reminiscing on his Hogwarts days. "Anyways, she went off to marry James Potter... Yes, I was in love with your classmate's mother and I just despised James Potter and his little friends more than anything."

"Is that why Professor Dumbledore has compared me to you? Because of this silly crush of mine reminding him of your crush?" I ask and he reluctantly nods, smiling weakly.
"I understand what it feels like in a one-sided love, son. I've been in your shoes but since that Lily has sadly passed away, I've stayed far away from romance." He responds.
"Father, with all due respect, why didn't you just ask this Lily girl out before that other guy did?" I inquire, furrowing my eyebrows.
"I don't really know, son. I had that chance but she would never have feelings for me anyways." He replies, sighing. "But what is there to lose? Go on, my child. If she rejects you than it's her loss."
"Thank you, father." I smile at him before heading to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, I notice Hermione and Ron Weasley flirting with each other. Maybe, they're in love? My chances are already slim so what's the actual point? I'm in Slytherin, the house for the evil bastards whilst she's in Gryfindor with the heart of pure gold.
"What are you looking at, Y/N?" Malfoy appears behind me, looking where I am. "Are you seriously staring at Granger again, dude? You know she's a mud-" I cut him off before he can finish his rude sentence.
"Leave her alone, Malfoy. You say one more thing about her and I won't hesitate to murder you..." I silence him, lightly pushing him away. His eyes roll at my gesture before walking off with his little goonies.

Hermione's POV: Over Ron's shoulder, I can just see Y/N Snape, Professor Snape's son somewhat staring at me. I lock eyes with the black-haired, feeble man with his gaze quickly disappearing.
"Who are you looking at, Hermione?" Harry gains my attention and I shrug it off.
"Nothing, forget about it." I smile at him, awkwardly.
"Consider it immediately forgotton..." He nods at me but Ron continues to ask who I was staring at.
"Who were you staring at though?" Ron furrows his eyebrows at me, a hint of major jealousy running throughout his voice.
"Ron, just leave it." Harry tells him, glancing back and forth between the two of us and surprisingly, Ron doesn't ask further questions.

Ron's POV: We are about to walk off when I catch Hermione staring off in the same direction, I subconsciously follow her gaze and see her staring at Y/N Snape, the son of Professor Snape. Jealousy fills my veins, I mean, me and Hermione aren't a thing but I want the best for her... Okay, I have major feelings for her but seriously, who bloody well wouldn't!?

But I have to get Hermione's attention off of him, looks like I'm gonna have to use a bit of 'persuasion'...

Hermione's POV, the next week: So over the last couple of days, Ron has been quite clingy and a bit possessive over me and I think it's because of the attention that I am getting from Y/N.
"You seriously need to stop staring at him, Hermione... I can just sense that he has bad intentions with you." He tells me, keeping a close eye on the Slytherin boy obsessing over me.
"Ron, stop it. You have no say in whom I look at, it's no crime looking!" I tell him in a firm tone before reverting my attention back to Y/N, who's sitting at the Slytherin table, writing something in a journal that he carries around.

Y/N, despite have never actually spoken to him, seems like a really nice dude... There's just a feeling inside of me about him that gives me a good impression of the guy.

"You never know what somebody is like until you talk to them anyways, Ron."

Harry's POV: Ron is just being his normal jealous self as normal, I know how strong his feelings are for Hermione but he is really getting this out of hand if I'm being honest.
"Ron, listen to Hermione. She is right, we don't know what Y/N has even gone through." I tell my red-headed mate to which he just shakes his head, looking away.

Y/N's POV: Whilst the rest of my house is talking about different things, I'm just sitting here writing a love note to Hermione.

"Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

I am Y/N Y/M/N Snape, the boy that has been staring at you non-stop for the last week but I've never been able to properly introduce myself.

I have had feelings for you for the last 3 years and it's a weird crush that you just cannot explain, I wish I could have the confidence that Ron has to admit feelings but I know that you probably have your eye on another man and I don't really blame you.

So, if you're up for it, I was wondering if you would like to head to Hogsmeade this weekend? But if not, then that's fine.

Yours Truly, Y/N." Is the note that I write in my little journal before I grab an envelope and put it inside before signing it off.

Hermione's POV: I've been thinking about Y/N all day, he's just a really handsome lad that I would really like to get to know, there's something about him that I cannot explain...
"Excuse me, Miss Granger. There's a letter for you." A first-year Gryfindor appears next to me, handing me a letter that I accept and open it up.

I read through the letter and then notice the offer at the bottom, I smile and nod, subconsciously telling myself to tell Y/N the next day. That is just when Ron comes in, snatching the letter from me.
"What do we have here then?" He teases me before reading the note out loud for everybody to hear, I hurry up to my bedroom out of embarrassment.

The next day, I find Y/N reading in the library so I walk over to him, grabbing his attention from the page that he is reading.
"Hi, Y/N. I got your note and I would love to go to Hogsmeade with you this weekend..." I tell him and for the first time, I see a genuine smile form on his face.
"Great, I'll see you on Saturday?" He responds and I nod, agreeably.

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