Family Li(e)nes (Male Y/N)

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Year: Prisoner Of Askaban
House: Gryfindor

Remus John Lupin (Adoptive Father)
Sirius Orion Black III (Biological Father)
Unknown (Biological Mother)

Relationship with Hermione: Crush/Best Friend
Type of Chapter: Angst/Fluff
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary- When in the Three Broomsticks, Y/N and Harry both hear news about Sirius Black that they don't expect.

(It's a bit short, soz)

Y/N's POV-

Throughout my life, I have been told that I'm a Lupin, that my dad is Remus Lupin but I have started noticing that I look nothing like the man who has been claimed to be my 'father' but another man, a man that has been all over the news lately, both Muggle and wizarding.

Sirius Black

I know very little about this man but Harry and Ron have commented that I do resemble him in one way or another but we mostly think they are all for laughs and that I'll hit puberty properly.

But that still hasn't happened, we're currently in Hogsmeade on the winter trip here and so far, nothing has really happened other than Harry appearing and terrorising Malfoy and his little goons.

But now, something else has arisen, Harry and myself have decided to sneak and listen to the conversation between the owner of The Three Broomsticks, Cornelius Fudge and Professor McGonagall, hoping for some information about Sirius Black. But instead, we hear something worse.

"Have I told you this before?" Professor McGonagall starts off, clasping her hands together in frustration. "In 1979, a baby was born into the Black Family, a beautiful boy but then something happened and this baby had to be taken into another home, renamed and everything."

"Sirius Black had a child or something like that?"

"Who was the biological parents of this child, Minerva?"

"Sirius Black and some lady that he had a thing with but I can never remember her name, we don't know what the child's name was at birth but we do know the child's name because he is in his third year at Hogwarts- Y/N!"

"As in Y/N Lupin, Minerva?"

"Yes, Y/N Lupin is the son of Sirius Black! But that's not all! Sirius Black was named a godfather in 1980 to his best friend's son so Sirius Black remains and continues to be Harry Potter's Godfather!" Both Y/N and Harry look at one another, bewildered at the news of their families.

They both hurried out of the Three Broomsticks, invisibility cloak draped over them.

"I can't fucking believe this, I am Sirius Black's son!" Y/N started to panic, now knowing the identity of his parentage heritage and he hated what he had just heard.

There was no way that he was Sirius Black's son! It was impossible! He hated his own father and now Remus for not telling the truth about the fact that he was not a Lupin, but a Black!

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