Unusual Date (Male Y/N) (Requested)

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Year- Post-Hogwarts
Hogwarts House - Gryfindor

Family and Relationships-
Rubeus Hagrid (Adoptive Father)

Relationship with Hermione- Best Friend
Type of Chapter- Fluff
Trigger Warnings- None

Summary: Y/N is Hagrid's son and also loves Care For Magical Creatures to the point that he owns a shop in Hogsmeade where he trains these animals. Hermione, being her inquisitive self, just had to find out what Y/N did so she went to his shop and found out for herself.

Hermione's POV-

Hagrid's son Y/N is one of my bestest friends, he's so sweet and adorable so he's literally exactly like his dad, I have always had a soft spot for him more than Harry and Ron which the two other boys have definitely picked up at this point.

He runs a shop in Hogsmeade that trains magical creatures for good purposes, he's always been very interested in the subject with him even nailing the highest score for Care for Magical Creatures exam with full marks which didn't surprise anybody at all.

It's the Christmas break, I decided to travel down to Hogsmeade to go and visit him instead of heading home to see my mum and dad.

'Y/N's Magical Creature Land'

Very strange name for a shop but I guess it gets the point across that about what it does, huh?

The bell rings as I wander through the shop's door and there is Y/N at the front counter, ringing up another customer with what I suppose their new trained snow owl on their shoulder.

"Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas!" I walk past the customer, replicating the bright smile that they have on their face.

"Hi, Hermione! How can I help you?" Y/N greets me as I absent-mindedly gaze around the shop which catches his attention. "Aren't they all so beautiful?"

"They are all so amazing, so you've trained all of them by yourself?"

"Had a bit of help from me pops but you know, I did my best..." He nervously chuckles with his Scottish accent really coming out, wiping down the counter with a cloth. "And one of them can be yours?"

"No thank you, I just decided to come by and see how you've been doing."

"Feel free to have a look around for as long as you'd like, I'll be closing up shop not too long but I may show you some of my favourite creatures?"

"I would love to see that!"

"Lovely, go have a gander and I'll just be closing up shop."

I take up his offer and wander through the shop, greeting and admiring all of his amazing creatures as he locks up all of the cabinets up behind me, hearing the sound of jangling keys in my ears every second.

All the animals are beautiful and so calm that it helps me calm down, it's a comforting place to be in without any of loud squeaking or unwanted noise that you would normally hear in the muggle pet shops that I have been to with my parents. Every nook and cranny is full with well-behaved birds and magical creatures from all over the world.

"Did you know that I actually got some of these from this famous magizoologist in America named Newt Scamander who happens to be the grandfather of Luna's boyfriend Rolf?"

"I haven't seen Luna much since the Battle Of Hogwarts, that's actually quite cool that some of these creatures came from abroad."

"She's off abroad with her boyfriend, searching the world for new species for magical creatures to research and probably write another book about." Y/N explains to me, wandering over with a bird flying onto his head which makes me laugh. "Would you like that demonstration of what some of my favourite of these suckers can do?"

I follow him into another room where he shows me his favourite creatures (which are mostly different breeds of dragons). All of his amazing creatures are truly spectacular and some of their tricks that Y/N instructs them to perform are actually breath-taking, like getting one to fly through a hoop on fire or to fly out of the room to get something for him.

This sort of thing is the kind of thing that you would only be able to see if you were to go to the circus but it's like I have just got a free behind-the-scenes ticket for my own private show.

I help him to finish closing up shop and he invites me to wander around Hogsmeade.

As we wander through the snow-covered pavement, I can just see that there is something on his mind every time that I look at him.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Hermione, this may come out of nowhere but, could I take you out on a date somewhen?" Y/N stops dead in his tracks, feeling his hand graze against my own.

"Why not? What about tommorow?"

"I'm closing up shop for the Christmas break today so that will be perfect, shall we meet here?"

"Yeah, that would be great!"

We get everything set up for our date tommorow and I go home with my heart fluttering at the thought of going out on a date with the boy that I fancied when I was a teenager...

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