Now You're Dead And Gone (Male OC)

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(this one is a little different since the OC is much younger than the others)

Full Name: Jackson Tyler Weasley
Age/Birthdate/Year: 5 years old, Born December 12th 1990, 1996 (Half-Blood Prince)

Family and Relationships:
Arthur Weasley (Father)
Molly Weasley (Mother)
Bill Weasley (Older Brother)
Charlie Weasley (Older Brother)
Percy Weasley (Older Brother)
Fred and George Weasley (Older Brothers)
Ronald Weasley (Older Brother)
Ginny Weasley (Older Sister)

Type of Chapter- ⚠️Angst⚠️
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Contains the death of a child⚠️

Jack's POV-

Creepy sounds begin to raise through my bedroom window, I peek out of the window to see shadowy figures speeding through the air towards our house like bullets being fired from guns. The window smashes open with their brute force, sending me flying backwards and wreathing in pain on the floor as everything suddenly gets all blurry, my mind seems to be fighting to keep my eyes open.

The last thing I remember hearing is the sound of crackling and my older brother's panicked yells before it all fades to black...

Harry's POV-

The Burrow bursts up into flames and we all manage to get out, Ginny running into my embrace but something doesn't seem right but then right there and then, Ron begins screaming in fear.

"Jack's still inside!"

I just watch Molly's face go completely white as Arthur, Fred, George and Ron all go to rush back into the house in the search for the youngest Weasley but then, the house collapses into nothing.


We all dig through the remains of the house in desperate search for his body, hoping that he hadn't burnt to a crisp in the wreckage.

"He's over here! Somebody help me!" Ginny yells, pulling the debris out of the way and pulling her younger brother from the wreckage with the help from Ron.

Arthur begins desperate chest compressions for any signs of life but after a few minutes of trying, Jack's skin goes cold as we realise his true fate...

Jack Weasley is dead

Jack's POV-

An ominous bright light nearly blinds me as I wake up in this foreign place, a large set of gates sitting in front of me so I push them open with all my might and manage to get through. It feels desolated with the sound of light talking in the background when suddenly, I bump into a figure behind me.

It's a lady with red hair, a man with brunette hair and another man with a beard and long hair.

"Hello there, little one, what brings you here?" One of the men kneel down to my height, giving me a welcoming smile.

"I don't really know, all I remember is my older brother screaming for me and the sound of crackling." I tell them. "I'm Jack, Jack Tyler Weasley."

"You don't happen to be the son of Arthur and Molly Weasley? Do you?" The red-haired lady asks me, cocking her head to the side in confusion, I nod my head and they all give me weak smiles.

"We knew your mother and father well, kiddo." The man with the beard informs me.

"Where am I? Who are you three?"

"I'm James Potter, this is my wife Lily Potter and that bearded man is Sirius Black." The clean-shaven man introduces me to himself and the other two, smiling at me.

"I had a friend who had the last name of 'Potter', his name was Harry and he taught me how to do some spells." I tell them and just see their faces light up with that sentence. "What's wrong? I haven't done something, have I?"

"Not at all, kiddo, come on, we'll have a chat and we'll tell you everything you wanna know. You're safe and sound now."

2 years later and Fred shows up, it seems that this place really was my home all along.

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