The Devil Doesn't Bargain (Male OC)

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Full Name: Fleamont Joseph-Dryden Potter
Age/Birthdate/ Year: 15 years old, Born 31st July 1980, 1995 (Order Of The Phoenix)
Hogwarts House: Gryfindor

Family and Relationships:
James Potter (Deceased Father)
Lily Potter (nee. Evans) (Deceased Mother)
Harry James Potter (Older Twin Brother)
Sirius Orion Black III (Godfather)
Remus John Lupin (Godfather)

Relationship with Hermione: Best Friend/Childhood Crush
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Mentions of an abusive relationship between Hermione and Draco ⚠️

Summary: When Hermione's boyfriend (Dramione because why not?) begins to become not suitable for her for the three boys of the Golden Quartet, they try to convince Hermione to just dump him and move on but she is reluctant and wants to change Draco into something good.

Fleamont's POV-

So Hermione and Malfoy have been seeing one another since last year and as I honestly suspected would happen, Draco has grown to mistreat Hermione in horrible ways that I don't want to talk about, which leaves me, Harry and Ron deeply worrying for Hermione's safety around her boyfriend.

She's come into the Gryfindor common room with unexplained cuts and bruises across her body, she's come into the common room shaking with complete fear after going on dates with the platinum blonde ferret but still continues to claim that nothing worrying is going on behind the scenes and I'm done with her lying so therefore us three are getting to the bottom of this one way or another.

She's been telling us all week about her date with Malfoy and what he had said to her recently and tonight is the night that they are expecting to go out but we aren't letting her go anywhere with the likes of him.

"Hermione, I personally don't think that you should be going on this date with that boyfriend of yours..." Harry tells her as she wanders over to the couch, waiting for Draco to come and pick her up. She's not the same Hermione that we have seen before, she has done her hair in a way that neither of us would expect, she's wearing a frilly dress and trying to suck in her belly.

"What makes you say that, Harry?" She inquires, sorting herself in a nearby mirror.

"We don't think that he's treating you right and that you need to stop pretending that everything is perfect." Ron puts it more obvious in a bitchy tone.

"He's been treating me fine, Ronald, keep your nose out of my business."

"He's right, Hermione, we know that you are trying to change that boy for the better and we're here to tell you the truth, it's a useless and stupid idea trying to change somebody like him..." I agree with Ron, looking her in the eye.

"You three are completely and utterly deluded, leave our relationship alone. He would never do any of that to me. He's a good boyfriend!" She scoffs but I grab onto her arm, making her flinch in pain as I know that there is a bad bruise in that exact spot.

"Would a good boyfriend be giving you all of these bruises and scars across your face and making you think that you need to dress and act like this to make him happy? Don't think that us three haven't noticed the get-up? Listen to what we are saying, Hermione, you need to realize that this prick isn't treating you in a good way!"

We see something change in her eyes before she suddenly starts crying and taking off the excessive amount of make-up off her face before heading back to her dormitory

"The devil doesn't bargain, he'll only break your heart again."

I feel a smile on my lips when she plops herself back on the couch, dressed down in her pyjamas and Crookshanks now sitting in her lap. Ron and Harry come back downstairs with their own pyjamas on.

"Why did I think that I would be able to change a boy like Malfoy when I know the things that he had done in his life up to this point?" She asks us, eyebrows intensively furrowing together out of concern with herself.

"Love blinds us, we feel as if we can just use our charms to change a person if we wanted to but really, it's all up to the person's decisions that will make them a good or bad person and in Malfoy's case, he's beyond hopeless." Harry explains to her, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulder. "Now promise me that you will dump him..."

"I promise..." She says after a while, we all share a group hug and that is just when we hear a knock on the door so Hermione heads to the door, us three keeping a close eye on her.

"She's like our little sister in a way sometimes and other times, she acts like our bloody mother!" Ron whispers, making me and Harry giggle.

Hermione's POV-

The door opens and there is Malfoy standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he looks me up and down before frowning at me.

"You couldn't have gotten changed, could you? You look very unflattering..." He informs me in a disapproving tone.

"Yeah, second thoughts, I'm done with you do get out of my face!" I grab the flowers and throw them to the ground before slapping him across the face and shutting the door behind me.

I don't need men like that in my life anymore! I'm done with boys like him!

The next morning during breakfast, we almost immediately ran into Draco and his little group of suck-ups. He looked completely furious with me, obviously because of what happened the night before but I could not care less.

"We need to talk, you don't disrespect me, Granger! My father will hear about th-" Draco starts berating me but Fleamont butts into the conversation.

"Deal with it, daddy's boy, your daddy ain't going to do shit! He'll probably be already busy sucking off He Who Shall Not Be Named so there's no point with you trying to get her in trouble with your father!" The entire room hears this comment and begins to jeer him after Fleamont's comeback. "You don't deserve somebody like Hermione in your life!"

Fleamont's POV-

"Be quiet, Potter! This isn't your battle to be fighting!" He tells me in a stern tone before turning to Hermione. "Love, plea-!"

"I don't want to fucking hear it, Malfoy! I'm done with you!"  Hermione responds in the same kind of tone. "I've found somebody better."

For a moment, I don't understand what she is on about before she turns to me.

"Fleamont, I hope you don't mind?" She smiles at me before planting a kiss on my lips right in front of her now-ex-boyfriend.

He fucking deserves it!

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