Mama's Gonna Be Alright (Male OC)

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Full Name: Jacob Lee-Devlin Black
Age/Birthdate/ Year: 17 years old, Born November 12th 1979, Half-Blood Prince (1997)
Hogwarts House: Gryfindor

Family and Relationships:
Sirius Orion Black III (Deceased Father)
Remus John Lupin (Godfather)

Relationship with Hermione: Mutual Crush
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Contains domestic violence and a toxic relationship between Ron and Hermione⚠️

Summary- Hermione finds out that she's pregnant with her boyfriend's child but doesn't tell Ron out of fear that he would leave her, they get into a bicker and Ron quickly loses his temper, hitting Hermione and storming out, leaving her to raise the child by herself.

Hermione's POV-

If you ever told me that I would be standing here, still in school and now pregnant, I wouldn't have believed you but it's the truth that's going on with me at the moment.

I explained my situation to Professor McGonagall and she told me that she completely understands and respects my decision about what I'm going to be doing over the next couple of months. She's discreetly explained to my professors for this year and they have allowed me to be excluded from physical activities or anything that could run the risk of harming my unborn child which I have appreciated.

But there are two things that I can't escape from and those are my growing stomach and my boyfriend who is bound to find out any second now from either a word being dropped or the fact that I'm getting bigger.

"Hermione, darling, where are you? We need to have a talk about something..." I hear his voice from behind me in the hallway. "Can we have a talk, alone?"

I reluctantly follow him to an empty classroom with him shutting the door behind me, he sits on the teacher's desk with a disappointed expression on his face.

"What is this about, Ron?" I ask him but I already feel like I know what it is.

"Is it true that you're fucking pregnant?" He asks me in more of a softer tone but when I reluctantly nod my head, I hear an audible sigh leave his lips. "Hermione, we've talked about this, neither of us can be having a kid in these circumstances. We don't know if today we're alive and then the next, we're both bloody dead."

"I understand that, I'm still figuring out what I'm going to with them..." I respond, holding my stomach.

"Well..." He takes a long pause before another sigh leaves his mouth out of annoyance, running his hand through his ginger hair atop his head. "There is only one option."

I stay silent, not wanting to make him any more annoyed than he obviously is.

"Hermione, you have to understand where I'm coming from, I can't have a bloody kid! We're in the middle of a goddamn war!" He begins to raise his voice at me, gripping my chin and forcibly turning my head to his face. "You either get rid of it or me and you are done."

I stay silent again, looking away from him so he grabs my face again.

"Answer me!" He raises his voice again, I look him dead in the eye, still refusing to say another word.

That's when he just scoffs, stepping away from me but what I didn't expect was for him to violently slap me across the face before walking out.

"Suit yourself, keep it! That kid was never gonna fucking see their daddy even if the circumstances were different." He walks out, the door slamming shut behind him.

I allow myself to slide down the wall, holding my stomach, the welled-up tears finally leaving my eyes as I sit there sobbing my heart out.

"It's alright, little one, mama's gonna be alright." I talk to my stomach, rubbing it gently. "Me and you against the world together, nobody's ever going to hurt you, not while I'm still breathing."

I hear the door open again and see somebody pole their head in, I see Jacob and Harry standing at the door before rushing inside.

"Hermione! What happened?! We just saw Ron storm out of the room!" Jacob frantically asks me, looking at the mark that has formed across my left cheek. "What on earth did he do to you?"

"Ron must have found out that I'm pregnant and so he dumped me here on the spot with a violent slap to the face. I fucking hate him." I tell them, wiping the tears that have spilled out of my eyes.

"That's just fucking horrible, are you okay!? How's the little one doing?" Harry asks me, placing his hand against mine.

"I'm alright, the baby's alright, I just need a minute."

"We need to get you out of here, we'll tell Professor McGonagall what happened and let her deal with it." Jacob tells me, both of them helping me to my feet and leading me out of the room but I feel Jacob's hand lightly tug me back to him.

"Hermione, look, I know if this is sort of a bad time to be telling you this, but I'm just going to tell you that if he doesn't want to be in this child's life, I could be a good replacement. He might not want you because you're pregnant but I want you." He tells me out of nowhere, I feel a slight smile on my lips. "You don't need to say anything right now but I just wanted to tell you."

All of a sudden, I feel his lips against mine and without thinking twice, I kiss him back.

"I'll keep you and the little one safe." He promises me, kissing me once more.

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