Hardest Part Of Losing You (Part 2)

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Y/N's POV: So, over the last week, my girlfriend has been full-on ignoring me and distancing herself from me but surprisingly this isn't particularly phasing me...

Does this make me horrible?

"Sweetheart, why have you ignoring me lately? Have I done something wrong or something?" The walls echo with my voice as I chase Luna throughout the Ravenclaw common room. "Just talk to me, Luna!"

"What is there to talk about, Sebastian Lupin-Black? What is there to talk about!?" She raises her voice at me, calling me by my full name. "Just leave me alone and go be with her, she obviously is always on your mind!"

"Who the hell are you on about?! Who is 'she'?!" I grab her wrist, forcing her to look at me.
"You know exactly who I'm talking about, you've been staring at her for the last week!" She continues, huffing and puffing as she leads me on a wild goose chase around the school halls.

"Go be with Hermione... You looked happier with her than you do with me anyways."

And just then, she storms off to her lesson. I've basically just been broken up with! I decide to head to my lesson of Defence Against The Dark Arts.

Just before I enter the classroom, I accidentally bump into somebody, causing their books to drop onto the floor.
"Oh Merlin, I apologize! My mind has been elsewhere lately." I apologize, bending down to grab their books off of the floor for them.
"It's alright, Sebastian. Accidents happen." I hear the voice of Hermione Jean Granger, I look up to see the Gryfindor smiling widely at me.
"Oh, Hermione!" I nervously smile, averting eye contact. "Didn't expect to bump into you! Here are your books!"

I hand her the books and start to hurry off but she calls after me, stopping me dead in my tracks

"Can we talk after class? There's something that I need to talk to you about?"

I nod before we enter the classroom and take our seats.

After the dreadful theory lesson of Defence Against The Dark Arts with Professor Umbitch, I mean Umbridge, I meet Hermione outside the classroom.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask her, smiling at her awkwardly.
"I wanted to talk about us, Seb." She tells me in a soft tone, her hand rubbing against mine delicately. "I've noticed lately that you and Luna have been quite distant and blatantly horrible to one another and I wanted to know if you were okay..."

"Well, earlier before DADA, she essentially told me that she wanted to split up after noticing that I was always staring at... you." I admit, my heart beating twice as fast for some reason.

"That allows me to do this with no remorse then."

She grips my robe and pulls me into a romantic kiss, as if she has been starved of affection for years, I kiss her back and lay my hands on her hips.

Merlin's Beard, I just cannot describe the feeling of finally having her lips back on mine, it's sort of like the gates of heaven reopening all of a sudden.

We separate when breathing becomes necessary and just smile at one another but it's when her brown eyes meet my light blue bulbs is when the world just stops spinning for a split-second and everybody else just seems to have disappeared.

"You do not understand how much I have missed that, Hermione Jean Granger..." I comment, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Well, Sebastian Remus Lupin-Black, I could make this a permanent change if you just be my boyfriend once again." She whispers, our fingers interlocking. "What do you say? You give me another chance?"

"How can I say no to you?" I respond, pulling her into another kiss, a much more passionate one may I add?

Things began to escalate from there and I find myself sneaking out of the Gryfindor common room at 4am the next morning...

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now