I Gave You Everything That I Could! (Male OC)

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Personal Information:
Full Name: Raiden Benjamin Weasley
Age: 18 years old (Born 3rd March 1980, Deathly Hallows Part 2)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Ginger
Hogwart House: Gryfindor
Personality: Easy-going, carefree, imaginative and sweet

Family and Relationships:
Father= Arthur Weasley
Mother= Molly Weasley
Older Brother(s)= Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley (Deceased), George Weasley
Older Twin Brother: Ronald Weasley (He is 2 days older)
Younger Sister: Ginny Weasley
Significant Other: Hermione Granger
Best Friends: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood
Enemies: Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini

Summary: Raiden is a very easy-going guy who doesn't really care about much, well that was until he discovered that his long-term girlfriend was fucking his older twin brother behind his back, but that may not be the absolute truth.

Raiden's POV: Mass destruction and murder is around every single bloody corner of this goddamn place, my older brother Fred has already been tragically murdered during this war. I'm fearing the safety of me, my remaining family and friends and my amazing girlfriend because they mean the absolute earth to me.

But recently, I've been overthinking a certain topic that could ruin my entire life and it is; Why are my girlfriend and twin brother always together somehow? I mean, it would make a boyfriend a little suspicious wouldn't it? I normally am just very carefree as I find that there's no point stressing over things that I can't control but the thought has just constantly been in my mind ever since the end of 5th year when I saw the two of them going on a walk by the Black Lake late at night.

But at the same time, I could just be putting false information into my mind when there are much more important things to be thinking about like the damn war that's occuring right when I'm thinking about this stupid myth.

"Raiden, come on! Follow me!" Harry rushes into view, grabbing my arm and basically yanking me out of the room. "Stop idling, we've got Voldemort to defeat!" We find Ron and Hermione, who immediately seem suspicious as soon as I walked into their line of sight, and we all head down into the action. We almost immediately run into a zap of the Killing Curse but Harry saves us at the last second.
"You three need to kill the damn snake, I am gonna head into the forest... I've concluded that I'm the final Horcrux." Harry tells us, zapping a Death Eater with a stunning spell.
"Be safe, Harry!" I yell out as he speeds off.
"Come on!" Hermione bekons me and Ron to follow her.

Us three run into the Great hall to find more murder and destruction than ever, the tables have quite legitimately turned, the windows are all shattered to a million pieces and Death Eaters are carelessly throwing Unforgivable Curses at anybody they see and that's when we find Mum and the rest of Ron and I's family in massive danger to which we all speed over to them.
"Not my daughter, you bitch!" Mum bravely stands up for Ginny, pulling our little sister behind her. Bellatrix Lestrange just stands there cackling sadistically, which would make any man cower in fear, no matter how strong they were.
"Ginny, get over here!" Dad tells Ginny, grabbing her arm and pulling her urgently behind him.

"Be careful, Mum!" I screech as those fears seep back into my body.
"Shall we make that Weasley death count 2 of you blood traitors!?" Bellatrix mocks our family with that psychopathic, maniacal and nighmare-inducing smirk. "You all want to join lil' Freddie down there in hell?"
"Shut your damn mouth about Fred, you fucking bastard!" I snap at her, aggressively. Argh, I just want to rip her head off!
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix casts the unforgivable spell towards me and I barely dodge it with my life flashing in a instant, allowing Mum to finish her off with the distraction.

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