That Damn Water Fountain

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Slytherin
Relationship With Hermoine: Girlfriend
Family: Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Mother)
Draco Malfoy (Twin Brother)
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: None

Y/N's POV: I'm standing there joking around with my brother when he pokes my shoulder and points down to a ginger-haired boy and a bushy-haired girl in the courtyard, closely resembling Ron and Hermoine. I catch a glimpse of the girl's face and it turns out to be my girlfriend. We excuse ourselves and make our way down to the courtyard to intervene but when I get there, they're snogging like there's no tommorow. My breath hitches at the scene and then Hermoine notices my presence and realises, I bolt off and she follows me, calling out my name in a panicky way.
"Y/N, babe wait! It's not what it looks like!"

"What's going on?" Harry inquires as I run past but I ignore him and just run off to the girls bathroom, enter a stall and just sit there and sob.

Why did this have to happen to me? I fucking loved her more than anything! I have done everything I can to make her happy! What's the point anymore!?!

"Y/N, please open the door! It's not what it looks like, baby!" Hermoine begs, banging on the door. "I would never do that to you!"
"FUCK OFF, YOU CHEATING BITCH! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "YOU CAUSED THIS! MY BROTHER WAS RIGHT, THERE'S NO POINT BEING FRIENDS WITH SOMEBODY LIKE YOU!" I refrain from using that derogatory term because I respect muggle-borns, well not anymore!

Hermoine's POV: "Where is she!?" I can see Pansy Parkinson, Y/N's overprotective best friend, walk into the bathroom. "Where's that disgusting mudblood!?" We lock eyes with hers filled with venom and pure hatred.

"What have you done!?" She begins to interrogate me, pushing me up against the wall. "I heard you were cheating on her! Explain yourself!" I refuse to look at her so she pulls out her wand and points it at my chin.
"Expelliarmus!" I watch Pansy's wand fly out of her hand and Ginny standing there, wand drawn.
"Get away from her, Pansy!" Ginny threatens her, wand pointing directly at her.
"No, you get away, Weasley!" Y/N emerges from the stall and draws her wand at Ginny. "Stay out of this! It has nothing to do with you!"
"You heard her, fuck off!" Pansy adds, protectively and Ginny retreats.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry! He was coming onto me!" I lie to her, thinking she would believe me but she shakes her head.

"Your words are just what I think about you as a person, always full of bullshit, you filthy mudblood!" She snaps, calling me that derogatory name for the first time ever before turning to Pansy. "Come on, P. Leave this disgusting cheater in here to get eaten by the rats!" Pansy pushes me against the wall and just leaves me there.

Y/N's POV, later that day: I am just in the Slytherin common room, being comforted by Blaise and Pansy as Draco hands me a cup of water.
"She was always a pathetic and worthless mudblood anyway, Y/N/N (Your nickname). I never quite understood why you fell in love with her." My brother admits, sitting next to me.
"I don't know either, Draco. I wish I could go back to the day that I met her and never got out of bed." I respond with a chuckle at the end. "It just hurts to know that out of all people she'd cheat on me with, she picked that dumbass ginger."
"The fact that she picked him makes this 100x worse because who would even fall for him? He is more idiotic than anyone else in this damn school." Pansy adds, rubbing her thumb against my hand.

"Miss Malfoy, there is somebody who would like to talk to you outside the common room." A first year Slytherin informs me and I nod, hesitantly.
"I swear the hell if it's Granger, I'm gonna kill her." I state, getting up from the couch and heading towards the exit to find my ex-girlfriend standing there sheepishly.
"What do you want?!" I greet her, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. "You have exactly 5 minutes before I slam the door and you can go back to that pathetic ginger you're fucking."
"I just wanted to apologise for doing that to you, Y/N. I didn't know what came over me, I wanted to make you a bit jealous 'cause you weren't paying much attention to me so I asked for Ron's help and he took it too far." She explains but I'm not buying it so I scoff at her and go to slam the door but she catches my hand.
"I really would never do something like that to you, I love you more than anything in this entire world." She tells me, softly.

"Hermoine.... give me a few days to think about it and I'll get back to you." I give in and she nods, looking down as I shut the door.

2 weeks later: It's morning time and I've forgiven Hermoine and decided to rekindle this relationship.

I find the Gryfindor reading the newspaper, she hadn't noticed my presence yet so I lean down and kiss her cheek, lovingly. A smile tugs onto her lips as she turns to look at me.
"Come here, you dumbo." I tell her, beckoning her over to which she stands up and I pull her into a passionate kiss. My arms snake around her waist as she makes the kiss more deep.
"Get a room!" Draco teases, annoyingly.

"I take it that I'm forgiven?" Hermoine jokes, making me laugh and nod.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now