Anniversary (Male OC)

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Full Name: Asher Paxton Weasley
Age/Birthdate/ Year: 14 years old, Born March 1st 1980, Goblet of Fire (1994)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Family and Relationships:
Arthur Weasley (Father)
Molly Weasley (Mother)
Bill Weasley (Older Brother)
Charlie Weasley (Older Brother)
Percy Weasley (Older Brother)
Fred and George Weasley (Older Brothers)
Ronald Weasley (Younger Twin Brother)
Ginny Weasley (Younger Sister)

Relationship with Hermione: Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Fluff
Trigger Warnings- None

Summary- Hermione seems to think that Asher had forgotten about their one year anniversary but he was assured that he had not forgotten about it with a special surprise that Ron and Harry helped him out with.

Asher's POV-

So, me and Hermione's one year anniversary is today and I have kind of forgotten completely which sounds absolutely horrible but I have a way to make it up, I managed to get Ron and Harry's help to set up this little date for us two, we have set up this little picnic by The Black Lake and I am hoping to God that I have not forgotten something else...

"I cannot believe that you managed to convince me and Harry to help you with this kind of thing, Asher, honestly." My twin brother just has to make fun of me because of it and I hate it. "You have a tendency of forgetting things, don't you?"

"Shut up, Ron! At least I have a girlfriend while you are over here, getting rejected by Lavender Brown!" Ron rolls his eyes at me before we continue setting up.

"Leave him alone, Ron, it's really cute that your brother wanted help with something like this... We are Hermione's best friends after all so we have to be helpful." Harry reminds him, making Ron roll his eyes.

We manage to get it all done as the sun starts to fall, I thank Ron and Harry for their help as they head back up to the castle to get Hermione down here, I take a seat on the picnic mat waiting for my girlfriend to arrive.

Let's just hope that she doesn't mind how corny this all is?

I feel my heart racing as I sit there in silence, looking out by the water, is this even going to go right? Will Hermione even like this? I guess we will find out sooner rather than later...

Not too longer, I begin to hear footsteps behind me, I turn my head to see Hermione with Harry leading her over with a blindfold over her eyes.

"Thank you, Harry." I thank him and he smiles at me before taking his leave and I turn back to Hermione.

"Asher, what have you done?" I hear Hermione ask me so here goes nothing, I take off the blindfold and see her adorable reaction. "You are just too cute."

"I know it isn't much-" Before I can finish my words, Hermione kisses my cheek, an adorable smile on her face.

"I love it, darling, it doesn't matter how big or small it is. As long as I'm with you..." She tells me, as we both sit down on the mat. Her head ends up on my lap, as she reads the book that I got her as a present while enjoying the picnic.

"So this is good enough for you? It was late minute and I had no other ideas..."

"Asher Weasley, you stop thinking like that, I wouldn't want to go out to some expensive restaurant when I enjoy just being with you, that's all that matters." She tells me, I feel my heart warming with her words. "We could just have a wander around the Hogwarts grounds or around Hogsmeade and I'll be perfectly happy with that."

"I know but I just want to be good enough for you, I feel like some rich guy is just gonna come and sweep you off your feet if I don't try enough."

"I love you for who you are, I don't care about the money or what the person looks like, as long as they are kind and treat me well than that is all that matters to me." She sits up, her brown eyes gazing into my blue eyes. "Don't think that I am just going to leave you if some boy offers me all of the money in the world because they are pathetic if they do that."

"I love you too." We share a kiss before spending the rest of the evening together until we have to go our separate ways to our common rooms.

I know that Hermione doesn't care about the money that I have in my wallet or anything like that but I still get insecure about the money that I don't have, I am just worried that some rich wizard is going to spend all their money on Hermione and that's gonna steal her from me.

But now I feel better, she loves me for me.

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