I Love Everything About You (Male Y/N)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Family and Relationships:
Remus John Lupin (Father)
Sirius Black III (Deceased Godfather)
Harry James Potter (Cousin)
Relationship with Hermione: Girlfriend

Type of Chapter: Hurt/Comfort
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️ Contains mentions of depression and other mental illness⚠️

Summary: Y/N feels like he has betrayed his family and friends by being sorted into Slytherin instead of the predicted Gryfindor, he gets abuse on the daily from his fellow house members, especially from Draco Malfoy, for having lycanthropy. Hermione, his girlfriend, always stands up for him and comforts him on his worst days.

Y/N's POV: I head back to my dorm room and cuddle the stuffed animal that my girlfriend got me for my birthday, I share a dorm room with the Slytherin Prince himself, Draco Malfoy which is just fun!

Speaking of that blonde ferret, he has been bullying me since 2nd year when I got outed for having lycanthropy or being a werewolf and I am fucking sick of it! I didn't ask to be this way and there's nothing that I can damn well do about it.

I reach into my bag for my Wolfsbane Potion that Dad gives me to minimise the lycanthropy effects as there is a full moon expected tonight.

"What are you up to, you freak!?" The recognisable voice of Draco Malfoy booms into the room as I quickly hide the potion in my hand without taking a sip.
"What's it to you, Malfoy!?" I rudely snap at him, getting out of bed. "You just have to always be up in my goddamn business, don't you!?"
"Awe, am I making the wittle wolfy boy all frustrated?" He mocks me, grabbing the potion out of my hand. "What's this then? Do you need this to get that disgusting mudblood Granger anywhere near you?!"

I just go quiet, glancing to see the sun slowly going down.
"Give me the potion, Malfoy or I won't be afraid to rip you limb from limb." I scowl at him, causing him to reluctantly hand me the potion, I take the recommended amount and internally feel the effects slipping away.

"Now, since you have to be so intrusive, I'll tell you what this is." I chuckle, holding up the potion. "This is Wolfsbane Potion, it makes it so I don't turn into a uncontrollable werewolf and severely harm others."

I shove past him roughly to walk out of the dorm room but not before turning around, staring him dead in the eyes.

"Keep your filthy mitts to yourself or you know what will happen."

I walk off to dinner and accidentally bump into Hermione, she grabs my hand.

"Have you taken the Wolfsbane Potion that your dad gave you, love?" She asks me and I nod.
"Malfoy found me doing it and decide to make fun of me about it so that made me really self-conscious about it." I tell her and she gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"Just ignore him, baby, he is just a stupid twat with daddy issues." She tells me, noticing the blonde ferret in the corner of her eye.

"The two disgusting freaks of the school are still a thing then?" He snarls, shoving past me in a rough manner. "I'm surprised that father of yours hasn't been thrown into Askaban, wolfy boy!"

I lunge at him, barely being held back by Ron and Harry who turn up in perfect timing.
"Calm down, Y/N! He's a waste of your time, mate!" Ron calms me down, patting me on the back.

"You leave me the hell alone, Malfoy! I'll kill you!" I threaten Draco, lunging at him once again while ignoring Ron's pleads. "That horrible bastard is about to get a reality check when he realises that the world doesn't revolve around him!"
"It's gonna be alright, mate." Harry reminds me. "Let's just head to dinner, you can sit with us."

After dinner, me and Hermione decide to head down to the Black Lake for a little walk to clear my mind.
"Can I talk to you about something, darling?" I ask my girlfriend and she nods.
"Yeah, of course." She responds, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers.

"It's two things actually." I admit, taking a seat on a bench just next to the lake. "I've just been doing really shit and have had these extensive dreads about everything that has gone wrong in my life, wondering if there was some way to change it all... It is quite hard to explain it. My mental health has just been going downhill faster than a lightning bolt."

She waits for me to be finished with my explanation before kissing the back of my hand with that loving look in her eyes.
"Everything is gonna be okay, love, I'm always gonna be here for you, no matter what." She promises, letting me rest my head against her shoulder. "I think there is something that could potentially help with that, it's called ginseng and it's suspected to help with mental health problems. Speak to Neville about it when you next see him."

"The other thing is that I need to talk to you about is us, I know it sounds selfish to some people but I don't deserve somebody like you in my life, you deserve somebody like Harry or even Malfoy... I'll never really know why you chose me out of all the boys at Hogwarts!" I explain, letting go of her hand and staring out towards the water.

"Baby, look at me for a minute..." She coos at me, forcing me to meet eye with hers. "There are millions of reasons why I chose you... "

"You're kind, intelligent, cheeky, loving, respectful and simply hilarious."

"You always help me with my homework even when I reject your assistance, you accept me for who I am despite being a muggle-born, you aren't afraid to show your flaws and you always able to make me laugh or cheer me up."

"I could go on for hours about why I chose you out of the other billions of dudes out there." She tells me, bringing a light smile to my face. "I love you more than anything else in this entire world, Y/N Lupin."

She caresses my chin delicately, smiling adorably before giving me a romantic kiss and then heading back to our respective common rooms.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now