"I Hear Miss Granger Is Off The Market"

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix
House: Gryfindor
Family: Remus Lupin (Father)
Relationship With Hermoine: Girlfriend
Type Of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: As Hermoine's name suddenly disappears from the single people list, people begin to wonder who was the person to take her name off of it. Many people suspect Ron but the four of you know who it is... and her name is Y/N Lupin.

Hermoine's POV: The talk of who my new 'boyfriend' is has seemed to be the only conversation topic at the current moment from outside of the Golden Quartet which consists of Harry, Ron, me and my girlfriend Y/N. It's currently breakfast and all I can actually hear on the Gryfindor table is that particular subject.
"Hermoine, are you gonna give us any hints about who this lucky-ass boy that you are dating?" Ginny asks, raising her eyebrows at me.
"Nope, my lips are completely sealed." I respond, making her groan dramatically.
"Any tiny clues at all who he is?" She continues to guess, making me giggle.
"It's a she, Ginny." I admit and her eyes widen in surprise. "I'm into girls, Ginny."
"That's brilliant to hear, can I take a guess who this lucky lass is then?" She smiles at me, I nod. "Is it Lavender?"
"Hell no, I'd rather drink bleach than go anywhere near her." I respond, pretending to gag at the mention of her name. "Plus, she's dating Ron."

"Nope to all of them, you'll never know!" I chuckle at her, she just frowns at me in defeat.
"Hermoine, I'm your best friend, I won't tell a soul!" She pleads and I give in.
"If I tell you, don't even tell anyone else!" I demand and she nods, enthusiastically. "It's Y/N Lupin"
"Well that's logical, isn't it? The two of you have been best mates since 1st year." She replies, smiling at me. "Well, I'm happy for the two of you."
"Me and her have to keep it a secret because I don't think that many people are used to people like us." I explain, making her give me a sympathetic smile. "We're just worried about the reactions of everyone."

"Well, just know that you have got me to go to, I'll never judge you for anything." She explains as Y/N walks into the dining hall. "Looks like your girlfriend is here so I'll head off."

My girlfriend sits next to me and smiles at me.
"Hi, baby." She whispers to me, making sure that nobody is listening. "How have you been then?"
"I've been alright, love. Just wishing that we could be out as a couple." I respond, she smiles at me.
"One day, my princess, I promise you." She promises me, rubbing my hand subtly. "Since classes are over, do you wanna head back to our dorm room?" We have been sharing a dorm room since 1st year which is lucky, so we head off there.

In their dorm room, she pushes me onto her bed lightly and sits next to me.
"So where have you been today, bubs?" I ask her, noticing her disappearance all morning.
"Oh, I got excused from class because I had to help Professor McGonagall with stuff." She tells me and I nod at her. "Nothing bad, just some important things with Dumbledore."
"I thought you were just skipping class all day or something..." I chuckle at my stupidity. "Or you had run off with a pack of werewolves."
"Oi, just because my father is a werewolf doesn't mean you can ridicule me for being one as well, baby." I slap her arm, playfully. I was born with lycanthropy which makes me a werewolf-wizard hybrid sort of?

I can't wait for the day that I can proudly announce to everybody that I, Y/N Y/M/N Lupin is in a committed relationship with Hermoine Jean Granger!

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