He Knows (Hermione X Male OC)

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Full Name: Logan Emiliano Andréas Lovegood
Age: 17 years old (Born on the 12th November 1979, Half-Blood Prince)
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Ravenclaw

Family and Relationships:
Father = Xenophillius Lovegood
Mother = Pandora Lovegood
Sister = Luna Lovegood (Younger Sister)
Significant Other = Hermione Jean Granger
Best Friend = Neville Longbottom, Harry James Potter and Luna Lovegood
Friends: Seamus Finnegan, Ginny Molly Weasley, Dean Thomas, Freddie Gideon Weasley, George Fabian Weasley and Oliver Benjamin Wood
Enemies: Lavender Brown (For being Ron's girlfriend), Draco Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson and Ronald Billius Weasley (Mainly due to extreme jealousy as you were the better Keeper and you got Hermione before him)

Summary: Rumours are being spread around the school by Ron that him and Hermione were always fucking in the Gryfindor common room with some fake evidence to throw Lavender and Logan off.

Logan's POV: For the last week, I've avoided my girlfriend as these rumours continue to swirl around school. Ron Weasley has been claiming to be having a sexual relationship with Hermione, my damn girlfriend, since the start of last year which confused everyone as he already has a girlfriend, Lavender.

Everyone who thinks that this is bullshit have just cut contact from him but that's only Harry, Neville and Luna really as the others still talk to him.

"Logan, I need to talk to you!" Hermione continues to beg me as enter the mostly-empty Great Hall to come face to face with the red-headed bastard.
"Stay the hell away from me, Weasley." I snarl, completely ignoring Hermione's pathetic pleads and begs. I violently shove past him and sit next to Luna on the Ravenclaw table.
"You don't look too happy, Logan..." My younger sister comments, looking at me with sympathy. "Is the rumours getting to you, brother?"
"It's not just the rumours, sis. It's everything..." I admit, glancing behind me at Ron. "This year is going horrible already..."

Just then, Harry and Neville take seats next to us, abandoning their normal table.
"Hi, Logan." Harry awkwardly greets me and I smile at him weakly. "Everything alright?"
"Peachy, mate. I've lost my goddamn girlfriend to that red-headed bastard." I tell him in a bitchy tone all of a sudden before realising. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm just not in the right mindset at the moment."
"Don't worry about it, I understand." Harry forgives me for my sudden outburst.

"I thought this year would be better but apparently not..." I sigh, chuckling as Neville rests his hand on my shoulder.
"No matter what happens, Logan. We are always gonna be here for you." He comforts me, patting my shoulder and smiling at me.

That's just when Ron walks over to the Ravenclaw table, leaning against it.
"So, how does it feel to know that Hermione is finally with a real man, Lovegood?" Ron boasts, happily. "She has been telling me that you haven't been satisfying her with that tiny tinkler of yours."
"Ron, why don't you actually just fuck off?!" Harry stands up for me, threatening the cocky red-head pile of steaming shit.
"You're just jealous, Harry. You're upset that my sister won't go out with your ass" Ron tries to size him up but fails miserably.
"You wanna bet on that, huh?" Harry challenges him, lunging towards him but I hold him back.
"Harry, there's no point. If Hermione's happy with him, then I couldn't actually care less anymore." I tell him, staring at the table in despair.

Ron laughs in 'victory' but I have a change of mind and grab the fucker by the collar of his shirt, taking him by surprise.
"Stay the fuck away from me, Weasley before I send you back to your common room, crying your eyes out." I threaten him but he retaliates, spitting in my face. I push him away and wipe his spit off of my face.

Hermione's upset expression catches my eye, she notices my gaze and I just shake my head at her, heading off to my next class with Harry and Neville.

In Potions class: Of course, Professor Slughorn is still forcing me to sit next to Hermione. Throughout the lesson, I gradually move my stool further and further away from her, watching her heart-broken expression grow larger every time.
"Alright, everyone. Today we will be learning about Amortentia." Slughorn announces, grabbing our undivided attention. "Can any of you tell me what Amortentia is? Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is recognizable by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen and by the fact that its steam rises in characteristic spirals. The potion smells differently to different people according to what attracts them." Hermione expertly answers the question, showing off her know-it-all attitude to which I just roll my eyes and sigh.
"Perfect, would you come up and demonstrate what you smell to the class, Miss Granger?" Slughorn questions and she does it, no questions asked.

"I smell freshly baked puddings, newly printed magazines, sweet fruits and the smell of plants after a rainstorm?" She describes what she apparently smells, a murmur arises from the other students all of a sudden as if this is a suprise. But then I just about hear Ron whispering to Seamus...

"Why hasn't she smelt me in it? I'm the love of her life, aren't I?"

I clench my jaw at his words, wanting nothing more than to knock him the hell out, Harry notices my expression and gives me a comforting smile.
"Okay, in the hour that remains, I will allow the first two people who successfully create Liquid Death to smell the Amortentia" Slughorn announces. "The recipe is on Page 28 in your textbooks, off you go!"

I head to the table with Harry and Hermione and get started right away, opening the textbook to the page that Professor Slughorn told us and get to work.

We all struggle with one the first tasks but I notice Harry easily do it.
"How did you do that?" Hermione asks Harry, inquisitively.
"Why would I tell you?" Harry snaps at her making me chuckle before whispering to me. "Crush it, don't cut it."
I nod and follow his instructions, watching Hermione continue to struggle with the task, desperately wanting to laugh my ass off at her.

Me and Harry end up being the only two to complete the recipe and so are allowed to smell the Amortentia as everyone else leaves.
"What do you two boys smell, then?" Slughorn asks us.
"I smelt treacle tart, the smell of a broomstick and something... flowery? Like something that I have smelt at the Weasley's house a while back." Harry responds, nodding his head. "What about you, Logan?"
"I smelt new books, some sort of toothpaste and a whiff of a scented perfume, it's flowery." I recall, smiling at him.
"Splendid, now off you two go!" Slughorn ushers us away.

"You smelt Hermione, didn't you?" Harry asks me as we leave Potions, off to the courtyard.
"Yeah, sounds like you smelt Ginny in yours, Harry." I laugh, noticing his intense blushing before getting serious. "Do you really think all of this between Ron and Hermione is actually true?"
"I don't really know, mate. What I would do if I were in your situation is find Hermione and simply ask her" Harry tells me as we reach the courtyard. I observe the courtyard and see Hermione sitting against a tree, reading a book.

"Here goes nothing..." I sigh, taking a deep breath in, walking over to Hermione.

She notices me approaching her and her expression immediately changes.
"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask her, she hesitantly nods, patting a space next to her that I accept. "I just wanted to know the truth... What is going on between you and Ron?"
"I promise you, Logan. There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Ron, you have to believe me." She tells me.
"I just don't know who to actually believe in this situation." I respond.
"Logan, I'm your girlfriend, I would never lie to you, we promised that." She tells me, making a good point. We specifically promised to not lie to each other regardless of the situation.
"So, Ron has been lying this whole time?" I ask and she nods, smiling at me.

"I tried to make him stop it several times but he just refused to, basically forcing me into a relationship that I didn't want at all, I just didn't know what to do. He was so manipulative and controlling that I didn't have a say." She honestly admits, rubbing my hand with her thumb. "I'm yours, nobody else's."

"I forgive you, love." I tell her, grinning at her with glee before I feel a rough hand on my shoulder, I look up and see Ron standing there with an attempt of a threatening expression on his dumb face.
"What was that I overheard, Hermione? You belong to me and me only!" Ron possessively berates my girlfriend, I stand up and shove him against the tree, pulling my wand out.
"You leave her alone, Weasley or I'll act on what I told you earlier!" I roughly point the wand tip at his quivering face, smirking at him. "Now, get the fuck out of my sight."

I shove him over and grab Hermione's waist and pull her into a passionate and romantic kiss.
"I knew that I couldn't ever trust your fucking pathetic ass anymore, you seriously think that I'm that damn stupid, Weasley?" I ask him, full of confidence and before he can say a thing, we are walking off but not before, I flip him off.

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