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House: Gryfindor
Year: The Order Of The Phoenix
Relationship to Hermoine: Sister
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: It's just a regular study session with your sister when she starts to talk about her massive crush on Harry when he just so happens to be listening to every single word that she says.

Y/N's POV: Just reading up about some new spells when my sister pipes up. "Hey, I need your advice on something really important to me." I look up at her and give her the signal to go on. "I have a big crush on Harry but I'm pretty sure he likes Ginny."
"Well, you just have to tell him how you feel. He's your best friend, Hermoine, the worst that could happen is he permanently stops talking to you." I respond, smiling at her. "Anyways, I always thought that you were gonna end up with Ron."
"This could break our relationship and for the point, I don't like Ron in that way anymore; I did when I was around 11-13 but times have changed, Y/N." She explains, sighing.

But, without Hermoine realising, Harry and Ron were just standing in the next aisle and were listening to your conversation.

Harry's POV: I'm just standing there with Ron, listening to Hermoine and Y/N's chat when I hear my name being mentioned. I hear Hermoine talking all about how he feels about me and I am honestly shocked that she felt about me. I always thought that she liked Ron but turns out I'm really wrong.
"But I know he'll just reject me and go for Ginny, Harry just looks at her differently to everyone." Hermoine states, chuckling.
"She ain't wrong, mate. Remember in 2nd year when my sister looked like she messed her pants when she saw you. Ginny 100% has a crush on you." Ron whispers to me, smiling.

"I'm on the fence about this, I have feelings for Hermoine and Ginny. I can't choose between them, Ron." I whisper, sighing and leaning against the bookcase.
"Mate, you have two girls going for you, go with your heart's decision. Do what makes you happier." He tells me, laying his hand on my shoulder. "You've known both of them since the first year so you have history with them both, do what makes you happy. It's how I expressed my love for Lavender."
"Hermoine just makes my heart pound a bit faster than Ginny, so I'm gonna have to go with her." I state, grinning from ear to ear.

Y/N's POV: A pair of footsteps appear behind me and I just see my sister's face completely freeze.
"Hey, Hermoine, Y/N." Harry greets us both, I wave at him, too focused on my book.
"You didn't hear my conversation with my sister, did you?" My sister inquires, awkwardly laughing at herself.

"We heard everything that you were on about, Hermoine." Ron tells her, making her look away in embarrassment and the boys begin to chuckle.
"I'm honestly flattered by your confidence, Hermoine." Harry admits, crossing his arms. "Cause it just so happens that I like you as well..." A smile tugs on the corners of my sister's lips, causing Harry to giggle before asking "Would you be interested on a date with me, sometime?" My sister nods, enthusiastically.

As soon as we return to the Gryfindor common room, I can barely keep her calm with all the excitement. We immediately begin to plan out what she's gonna wear and I'm so happy for her.

And that's how Harry went from one of my best friends to my future brother-in-law.

(This is for all the Harry x Hermoine shippers, honestly I wanted them to get together.)

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now