Flirtatious (Male OC)

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Full Name: Raleigh Sirius-James Black
Age/Birthdate/Year: 17 years old, Born 23rd November 1979, Half-Blood Prince
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Personality: A flirtatious boy who normally sleeps around, all of the girls are in love with him but he has always had her eyes for Hermione Granger

Family and Relationships:
Sirius Black III (Deceased Father)
Unknown (Mother)
James Potter (Deceased Godfather)
Remus John Lupin (Godfather/Current Guardian)
Lily Potter (nee. Evans) (Deceased Godmother)
Harry James Potter (Cousin)
Significant Other: None
Best Friends: Draco Lucius Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Mattheo Riddle and Blaise Zabini

Relationship with Hermione: Unknown Mutual Crush
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: Despite being considered as cousins, Raleigh and Harry have never met personally and couldn't be further from different as Raleigh seems to be a rich, cocky and cunning pure-blooded wizard in Slytherin who's always had his way with women whilst Harry is that lovable and loyal half-blood wizard in Gryfindor who's quite nervous about talking to girls...

Then one day, Raleigh gets dared by Blaise to hit on the muggle-born witch by the name of Hermione Granger despite Draco knowing about his deep crush on her.

Raleigh's POV: Ever since my first year at Hogwarts, I have seemed to have a major crush on a muggle-born Gryfindor and classmate of mine by the name of Hermione Granger, or as Draco rudely refers to her as 'a mudblood' despite me trying to get him to be more respectful.

"So, Leigh, you still have a crush on Granger?" Blaise asks me as we take our seats at the table, I shrug my shoulders as Hermione, Ron and Harry walk past.
"If I'm being honest, they don't seem to be that bad, maybe this year we should turn over a new leaf and be nice to them?" Pansy suggests, smiling as they walk past.
"I'm not bothered about them, they're probably fine without us being around, let's be honest about that." Mattheo scowls, opening up the train window and lighting up a cigarette. "Don't know how Draco will respond to this news though, you know how he is."

"News about what? What's going on?" Draco appears out of nowhere, taking a seat next to me. "Come on, spill it!"
"It's nothing to be worrying about, Draco" I assure him but he doesn't seem satisfied with my response as he scoffs, pulling a book out of his bag.
"I don't know why we going back to Hogwarts if I'm being honest, another year of Charms and I think I'll spontaneously combust, it's a bit stupid to go the full 7 years at this school, huh?" Draco chuckles, going off on a rant about why he thinks that his parents should have just let him leave after 5th year but if I'm being honest, I'm not really listening to anything that my friends are saying as my mind is on other things...

Although, the chatter in this train is extremely loud, I can unconsciously make out what they are talking about in Hermione and her two friends' compartment... They seem to be having a chat about something that has to do with Draco, they probably are suspicious of him having to become a death-eater by his parents. I sadly know that, what they're on about, is true but I just cannot bring myself to believe that Draco would be that stupid to submit himself to Lord Voldemort.

A few days later, in the courtyard, Blaise and Pansy have been playfully teasing me all day but I don't really care because honestly, it's hilarious watching Draco's expressions whenever they do.
"Leigh, how about this? You go and flirt with Granger?" Blaise challenges me, putting me into a situation where I could potentially fuck my life up.
"Alright, bet!" I playfully tease him back, eying Hermione

I saunter over, full of confidence, to Hermione and Harry Potter whom are both just relaxing against a tree, reading books. I catch Hermione's eye as she looks up at me, she looks me up and down, probably low-key judging me.

"Granger?" I greet her and she smiles at me, surprisingly. "There's something that I need to ask you."
"Hi, Raleigh? How can I help?" She responds, inquisitively cocking her head to the side.

"Look... I don't wanna play no games, I'm not fucking around, I'll give you my last name!" I tell her and just watch her expression immediately change to a really confused one. "I was just wondering if you'd be interested in going to Hogsmeade, this weekend?"
"You really think I'd fall for that? I know what you're like, Black. You don't want me, you want another fuck buddy, don't you?!" She interrogates me and I stand there in complete shock. "I'm not stupid, Raleigh!"

"No, I'm being dead serious here, I have always had a major crush on you since our first year and if I'm being honest, I was only sleeping with those girls to try and get you off my mind..."

"Oh, well, I'm sorry for making assumptions about you so quickly then... How about this? I'll consider it and give you the response tommorow?"

I nod, eagerly and to my surprise, she gives me a kiss on the cheek out of nowhere to which I walk away, having fallen in love with her even more!

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