A Best Friend's Cover-Up (Female OC)

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Full Name: Brianna Gracelyn Malfoy
Age/Birthdate/Year: 15 years old, Born 5th June 1980, Order Of The Phoenix (1995)

Family and Relationships:
Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (nee. Black) (Mother)
Draco Lucius Malfoy (Older Twin Brother)

Relationship with Hermione = Secret Relationship
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of sexual encounter

Summary- After a night of fun, Brianna has to pretend that she didn't just fuck the living shit out of Hermione to her brother and his friends whilst sending flirty looks to the bushy haired Gryffindor.

Brianna's POV-

Being a Malfoy has its advantages and disadvantages, the wealth and the reputation is some of the good things but there are also really shit parts of being born into this well-known family such as the fact that I'm not allowed to have relationships with half-bloods and muggle-born students at this damn school. 

But will that stop me from doing what I have done in the past? Fuck no!

I have to hide the fact that I'm madly in love with a Gryffindor to basically everyone in my family because she's a muggle-born student and I know my family's reaction if they found out. Mother and Father could care less about what gender that I like but they have completely barred me from Hermione Granger and people like her because they fear that allowing their daughter to have a public relationship with a muggle born would ruin our reputation.

"Brianna, nice to see you so happy for once." My brother greets me, shoving a first year student out of the way for me to have a seat which I honestly appreciate. "Where were you last night?"

"None of your business, you nosy little ferret." I try to not draw any attention to myself but all I receive is wolf whistling from Draco's friends. "Fuck off, would you?"

"We all know that you're lying, Brie." My best friend, Pansy, teases me and I just shake my head at her, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Fuck off, Pans, I'm not lying." I tell them but they can all just read through my obvious layer of sarcasm.

"Who were you with? And do I need to beat them up for getting with you?" Draco asks, nudging my shoulder but Pansy can see that I'm embarrassed to tell them. She's the only person that knows that I've been seeing Hermione and I have told her what to do if anyone ever asked and I didn't know how to respond.

"It might have been me, I was with your sister, last night." Pansy covers for me, subtlety winking at me which seems to be enough for Draco and his other friends.

"Never thought that you had it in you, Parkinson! I'm just happy that it wasn't someone else."

"Why would I date somebody else?" I lie through my teeth, looking over at the Gryffindor table to see Hermione looking at me, she gives me a look and smiles adorably.

"Meet me in our special spot?" I manage to read her lips and I nod my head, smiling to myself. "I'll see you later, love."

"I love you, darling." I manage to mouth back to her, her smile seems to get wider.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Just then, Draco looks over at me and he must have not seen anything since he just continues talking with his friends. It's hard hiding the fact that I'm dating Hermione but I need to do it for my own safety from my family and she understands that.

As breakfast ends, I find Pansy in the corridor.

"Thank you so much for covering for me, Pans, I really appreciate it." I thank her, beaming at my best friend as Hermione walks past with Harry and Ron. I feel her hand caress mine inconspicuously which always seems to give me butterflies one way or another.

"What is a best friend supposed to do? Keep that lass in your life, she's a real keeper."  She comments, watching Hermione go past.

"Don't worry, as soon as I can, I'm marrying that girl." I promise her.

And I end up keeping that promise in the end, I manage to distance myself from my family (minus my brother since he came to appreciate Hermione over the next couple of years for her sacrifice) and manage to get a ring and make her a Malfoy. We live out the rest of my life, thanking my heavens that I have Pansy in my life and that she is my best friend.

I even invite her to be my maid of honour at our wedding and she accepts gratefully, making it a night to remember with her maid of honour speech, telling hilarious stories of me and Hermione's not so secret relationship and how much she appreciates and loves me. Draco comes up to me and tells me that he was deep-down wishing that I had told him earlier about the relationship so that he didn't have to be so nosy.

Although, my parents never supported me, I am thankful that I have such a supportive twin brother, best friend and (now) wife who I have promised to love for the rest of our lives.

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